Are you wired for this?
It’s a BIG question, isn’t it!?
First, we welcome you to this very important conversation. We are thrilled that Jesus is speaking to you.
As you begin to explore, know that you are not alone. We are ready to assist in any way we can. If you are the one sensing this call on your life or if you know someone who may be wired for this, you are at the right place.
This page was devoted to you…to give you thought-starters from those who have served or overseen missions efforts. Their sharing below will not be all that you will need to think through. That would be overwhelming! Instead, it is meant to help you enter the conversation.
As you proceed, please write in and let us know how we can pray with you. We want to be an important resource in your journey! Please also share with us a little about yourself and how we can help you no matter what your role and/or calling is! There is a seat at the table for you in the Great Commission!

Listen to a message from Dr. Mary Ho, All Nations International | International Executive Leader
You'll be inspired and encouraged to take the next steps!
We’re often asked, how do I know if I’m wired for this and what should I do to help someone who is?
The following are personal messages to help you at this early stage.
From All Nations Co-Founder and All Nations International Leadership Team Member Sally McClung:
I have known since I was a young girl that God had called me to missions. I didn't have a specific country - I just knew I was to share Jesus with the lost. Hearing of YWAM and getting involved in outreach was a key step for me. I would certainly recommend something like that for anyone feeling stirred with a missions heart. All Nations has small initial steps you can take and we offer more in-depth trainings as well. Being involved in outreach confirmed my calling. I was young, I didn't have all the answers, but I saw God use me. That was truly amazing! I took the next step of going on another outreach - and kept doing that until I had more clarity.
Anyone who has a willing heart to serve and share Jesus - God will guide them into what He has for them. In the meantime, just serve where you can. I sang in the choir, taught Sunday School, worked on the church bulletin, visited senior homes, sang/traveled in a girls trio, raised money for those in desire to reach out was strengthened and developed as I simply did the things I could. My pastor saw this - encouraged me.....and he helped me in connecting with YWAM. He believed in me. He saw God's hand on me, and helped me move forward in my calling.
With each step I took - both when I was single, and later as a wife and mother, the key for me was having peace. As I felt God directing me, the confirmation was having an unshakeable peace. I remember hearing Loren Cunningham say - you can have all kinds of guidance, prophecies, visions, etc. but the ultimate confirmation of anything God is calling you to do is an inner peace. That has been a guiding principle for me all my life.
Looking back on my/our life - it's been a special adventure. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not always easy, certainly lots of tests and challenges along the way - but seeing people's lives touched and changed by Jesus has been priceless!
Blessings on your journey!
Sally McClung
From All Nations International Leadership Team Member and All Nations Taiwan Hub Founder Elizabeth Chen:
Well, first of all I think if you are sensing you might be wired for this, you will sense a clear call and an ongoing commitment to that call. There will be passion and hunger to learn more evidenced in your life as well.
In terms of how to explore more practically, I recommend that you pursue training and start doing the stuff locally first. I like a step-by-step process while learning from and under a mentor.
We are cheering you on!
Elizabeth Chen
From All Nations International Leadership Team Member and All Nations Hamburg Hub Founder Dr. Juergen Kramer:
So, are you wired for this? If you are here asking this question, let me just welcome you! I’m so glad you are considering what God may be saying to your heart. As you ponder the possibility of being a fieldworker or missionary, here’s just a few thought starters I’ve seen be helpful in the conversation process:
What cross-cultural experience do you have?
Are you willing to change your career?
Are you willing to suffer?
Of course I know this will involve prayer and much discussion as the Lord leads!
If you are a pastor or ministry leader overseeing those who are considering this, you are in a great position to help affirm what God may be saying and strengthen the ranks in the Great Commission. Here’s a few of my recommended ideas to guide you as you look for those who are wired for this:
Has this person worked in a responsible job for at least three years?
Will the family situation allow the individual to do this long-term?
Does the person love and obey simple commands of Jesus, have a good character, resilience and listening abilities?
Of course I know this will involve prayer and much discussion as the Lord leads!
We bless you to step fully into whatever the Lord is showing you and telling you to do and to listen to those who are in spiritual authority over you!
Juergen Kramer
From former 18-year fieldworker in Thailand and All Nations International Missiologist & Cultural Consultant Blake Staton:
How do you know if you are wired for this?
First, I believe you’ll have an apostolic passion to see the Good News spread to All Nations. This will express itself in serving others both locally and internationally. In other words, you will already have the function of a missionary right where you are currently.
Second, you will show perseverance on projects. There must be a perseverance in your life and the tenacity to stick to something and finish it against all odds. In my opinion, this is the meaning in the book of Revelation about the Gates of the New Jerusalem: being made of a 'single pearl.' Under great pressure and irritation from sand are pearls formed. Likewise, we are formed more and more into the image of Christ as we persevere and respond rightly under difficult circumstances.
Third, it is important the one going is a 'lifelong learner.' A disciple is a learner. If you are wired to be a missionary, you need to be committed to constant learning. If you are only going to share knowledge, it would be better to stay home. A learner hears God's voice and makes adjustments accordingly and is grounded in the conviction that our mission is for God's glory, not ours.
Finally, your heart and life will be marked with humility. Others will see it and sense it.
The good news is this: all of these are definitely attributes you and the Lord should be dialoging about. As you dialogue, ask Him to show you what He sees and what He wants you to do to go deeper in Him. Remember to always align with the Word of God. There is safety in a multitude of counsel!
I’m so happy you are exploring this with Jesus!
I can tell you that Tracy and I are so happy we gave our lives to following Jesus in this call of an apostolic missionary to Thailand. We are very much still connected and hope to go back as the Lord leads. We will follow Him wherever He wants to take us! I hope you do this, too!
Blake Staton
We welcome you on this journey!
Write us and let us know what is on your heart. We'll connect with you very soon.
In the can begin growing and learning. View our resources that will be a blessing on your journey. We recommend that you begin joining us in conversations about missions through our monthly Mission's Edge Roundtables. Last, please connect with us on social media for daily encouragement and links to all the wonderful things we are doing.