People Group Prayer Resources
Engage with God’s heart for the nations through prayer for the neglected.
Our prayer card resources feature different people groups from the around the world, providing an overview about the group and specific prayer points coming from our fieldworkers on the ground in these nations. Check out the map below to see the countries in red that we have prayer cards for. Or search by people groups below.
God is moving in the nations, and our prayers made a difference!
People Groups by Countries
Find a Prayer Card:
Comoros Islands
Indonesia (Kangean People)
Indonesia (Sudanese People)
Kenya (Nubian People)
Kenya (East Pokot People)
South Africa
Sudan (Mening People)
Sudan (Nubian People)
Uganda (Mening People)
Uganda (Nubian People)
Featured Neglected People Groups
(PowerPoint images and prayer cards with specific prayer points)
Featured Neglected People Groups
(with videos)
All Nations International
So All Will Worship Jesus
At All Nations, we lift our sights higher, above the circumstances, with a vision “to see Jesus worshiped by all the peoples of the earth.” Our Year of Worship series raises awareness of the neglected people groups around the world. Neglected people, whether the one sheep or the multitude, are considered among...
the Least because they are marginalized by society and/or circumstances.
the Last because they have yet to hear and receive the Good News.
the Lost because the Gospel has had no access, limited access or has been misrepresented.
All Nations International’s Founder Floyd McClung chose the word, “neglected” for a reason. The concept of the neglected peoples is a word our Founders Floyd & Sally McClung intentionally chose to focus on the “neglected” as All Nations International was being launched in their hearts by the Holy Spirit. Our focus remains resolute: Reaching the neglected globally – the least, the last, and the lost. “We use our words carefully and thoughtfully when we are sharing Jesus. The same is true with why we focus with such intent on the neglected, ” says International Executive Leader Dr. Mary Ho. “I am so encouraged by the resoluteness and passion that I see and hear from our global team, she said. Together with our partners, sending groups and field workers, we are all with every effort laying down our lives to go find the neglected – the least, the last and, the lost,” said Ho.
“All Nations defines neglected people as ‘a people where Christ is not known and no one is making Him known.’
Neglected peoples include unengaged and unreached ethno-linguistic peoples. In All Nations, a “people” is held together by a social link through which a Gospel movement can flourish. It does not have to be a socio-linguistic people group but might be an affinity group of any size that has an affinity for any reason.”
- Dr. Mary Ho, International Executive leader
Take My Healing to the Nations by Bob Fitts
This was a favorite song of All Nations’ Founders Floyd & Sally McClung: “Take My Healing to the Nations” by Bob Fitts. Fitts graciously gave All Nations International permission to use this beautiful song expressing our theme in reaching the neglected.
Accompanying Theme Song: “Take My Healing to the Nations” by Bob Fitts -- This is a song that Floyd and Sally both loved and enjoyed so much. Recently, Sally shared it again and our International Leadership Team knew that this special song needed to be incorporated. “It captures the poignant heart that Jesus has for those who have been neglected and remain lost,” said Ho. Our team has embraced this song as its own and wanted to help others connect to God’s heart and His dreams for every individual to come to know Him. For more information or to reach Bob Fitts, visit: bobfitts.com or contact him via email at: abookings@bobfitts.com.