Business For Movements was launched to help create unique opportunities for workers and communities in hard places to experience God's love and provision.
It’s an exciting and strategic time in history, with the finish line of the Great Commission in sight. Business skills and sustainable business ventures will be key in reaching the least, the last, and the lost. Done well, they will not only bless the neglected but cause dignity and honor to flourish in an otherwise desert landscape. This is the time to re-think church, missions and business and how the three together can bring about everlasting change to those who most need it.
If you are a pastor/ministry leader who could help recruit workers or host an All Nations Senders U Training, or if you want to be trained to go to the neglected or would like to identify your role in reaching the neglected, please contact All Nations today at: comm@allnations.international.
“This work demands a posture of humility. It requires equipping, engaging, and empowering global apostolic workers in Kingdom-focused methodology. We can make this happen by facilitating conversations, being active learners, listening, storytelling and leading hands-on experiential learning through activity-based modeling.”
The Business for Movements (B4M) continues to multiply!
All Nations and Pioneer Business Planting Graduates have started businesses in 47 countries throughout Asia and Africa.
Participants in Africa engaging in a variety of simple, hands-on activities, concepts and approaches for learning how to establish a business as a part of All Nations and Pioneer Business Planting.
These first B4M online consultations were provided to English-speaking international participants. Future consultations are planned for additional countries.
“In this overwhelming Covid-19 season we see how God brings hope, as people develop knowledge and insights to start businesses and tell others about Jesus. It is great to see how God works. We sow a seed: He gives the growth,. At the end of our online consultation, we asked the participants whether they would recommend this digital version of the gathering to others or not, in case air travel remains impossible in the near future. They unanimously agreed that they would recommend our online version to others.”
Since 2017, in Malawi alone, 1,000 All Nations’ B4M graduates applying PBP's business model have established 400 businesses where 100 house churches exist. In Indonesia, 500 graduates are operating businesses, that are bearing fruit for more than five years in very difficult places. Not only did they start several businesses, but they planted 17 churches, and 25 others from 17 nations attended the recent online consultation led by Nolan and Warren. Many of these participants are working among the least reached, including one individual who is serving in Cameroon.
For more information about business for mission: businessformission.org
Inaugural celebration of a Covid-19 recovery centre in Canilla, Guatemala with All Nations worker Greg Walton and joined by the State's Director of Health, State Governor, Mayor and other Municipal leaders.
Profits from vegetable gardens help support the New Hope Education project, a secondary school that was started by All Nations workers with a village of former displaced war refugees in rural Guatemala.
Wood carving and art products made and sold locally at Chaabil carpentry shop in Guatemala, a new business that All Nations workers help launch with local auditory impaired workers.
“What I’ve learned after living with the poor and neglected for 20+ years is this: there are no limitations to how God will express His love through you to others. He’s already working among the people, the question is whether we will say ‘Yes’ and join Him in helping meet their needs. We had never launched a recovery centre before, but it’s what our people needed at this time. Last week we were blessed to celebrate our hospital’s inauguration with the State Director of Health, the State Governor, the Mayor and other municipal leaders.”