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Encouraging Words of Wisdom

for Joining in God’s Mission Right Where You Are!

Whether for personal devotional times or as a discussion guide for life groups and/or mission and ministry groups, each devotional gives you an inside look into what it’s like to follow Jesus among the neglected and offers guidance with questions, applications, exhortations, and prayers. Also included are additional learning components on concepts, key words, and discerning the unseen realm, as well as occasional supplemental videos to learn and grow together reflecting on devotional themes.

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 “Love this, Blake - about family. ‘Those words spoke deep.’ What a precious affirmation of your family being there. We had similar experience living in the red-light district in Amsterdam with our family. It opened so many closed doors. God knows what He's doing in sending families.”

- Sally McClung, All Nations Co-Founder and International Leadership Team Member, on Devo Week 16



Discerning the Unseen Realm

Being aware of what we're up against in this hour is important wherever we are in the world and at whatever point we've arrived on our spiritual journey. Here, we go beyond just what the eye can see, diving deeper into each week’s devotional.


 Growing together - Watch recaps from past monthly online gatherings below!

Re-presentation of the Gospel

Woman at the Well

Shadows of Christ—Light of Christ in us reveals shadows of Christ already there

Shadows of Christ—Cultural Parallels like Festivals and New Moon Celebrations



About the Author

Blake N. Staton, MA in Intercultural Studies
Missiologist | Cultural Consultant
All Nations International, Inc.

An avid reader and lover of basketball and trout fishing, Blake grew up in the foothills of Western North Carolina where his delight in hearing God's voice first began outdoors.  His dreams were not of becoming a missionary but of being a part of revival in America.  Little did he know, for him, the two were intricately connected.  After accepting Christ his freshman year at Montreat-Anderson Jr. College and being discipled through Campus Crusade for Christ at Appalachian State University, at 26, he heard the Lord ask, "If you want to be a part of revival in America, will you first give your life to another country?”  This was the start of his long-term missionary journey which eventually led him and his wife Tracy to Northern Thailand where both of their children were born and raised, from 1999-2017. The Statons were among some of the earlier frontier missionaries trained and sent out in 1999 by All Nations Founder Floyd McClung.  

During the Statons' nearly 18 years in Northern Thailand, they lived and ministered among one of the least-reached, the Akha Hilltribe, learning their language, then among the unreached Akeu Hilltribe, a smaller branch of the Akha.  Alongside this work, Blake served his last ten years as Cultural Consultant for Global Recordings Network in Thailand, with influence among numerous unreached people groups in Southeast Asia.  He received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) with a double major in Management and Finance from Appalachian State University. He received his Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAICS) from Biola University.  Blake currently resides with his family in the USA.