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Sender’s University (Senders U) - April 8-9

  • All Nations International, Inc. PO Box 901253 Kansas City, MO 64190 USA (map)

Senders have a high and lofty calling in Jesus. Paul says in Romans 10:15, “And will anyone go and tell them without being sent?”

Senders are crucial to seeing the Great Commission accomplished. The problem is that while we have historically place a great deal of emphasis on Goers, we have rarely recognized, called out, encouraged or trained the Senders.

Senders U explores why Senders are a crucial part of the team, and gives ideas on how they can help bring the good news to the last remaining unengaged people groups on earth.

Anthem Church, 251 N. Miles Ave., Hayden, ID

Apr 8, 6-9 pm and Apr 9, 8:30 am-1 pm

Questions and RSVP:

Taught by Meredith Johnson, who lived and church-planted in the Middle East; and Peggy Spiers, who passionately cares for missionaries – both are on staff at All Nations (

Brought to you by Heart of the City, Anthem, New Life, YWAM and other local churches.