Persian refugees and displaced people

Your gift of $100 or more today will go a long way toward creating Bible stories in the native language as new diaspora missionaries (Persian refugees and displaced people) disciple their family long-distance in a closed country like Iran and beyond.


Your gift today will DOUBLE because of an amazing matching grant donor! Every gift helps!


[Pictured above: Children of our Persian friends. What if children like these living in a closed country like Iran could have the ability to watch and share a video story about Jesus? Your gift today raises funds that will go a long way toward helping share the love of Jesus via video Bible stories in homes and hearts of the young and old!] 


June 14, 2023

Dear Friend!

Greetings! Today, I'd like to ask you if you will give $100 or more to create Bible video stories in the native language of new diaspora missionaries (Iran and other Persian refugee and displaced people) so they can share Jesus and disciple their family and friends back home in closed countries around the world where it is often dangerous to own a Bible in a home).  

When refugees enter a different country, they struggle in building connections locally. They're in a different land, facing different situations, trying to find work and feed their families. It is extremely difficult.  So, it isn't hard to understand their desire to remain in close contact with their homeland if they are able to do so. Today's technology is helping them stay in contact with those they know and love back home. The amazing thing is that God is using their love of family and friends even in a foreign land and, through the use of video calls, messaging apps, and social media platforms, they are staying connected and the new Jesus followers are becoming missionaries as they share Jesus through all these digital and online mediums. 

We are finding that when discipled refugees come to know Jesus, they connect with their families in their homeland (many are in closed countries like Iran, Afghanistan, India, and Indonesia) to share the Good News of Jesus.

This is only something only God could make happen! Isn't it awesome? Just think about it. You and I trust news when it comes from a trusted friend or family member. It's also true when sharing about Jesus. God is a relational God and we are seeing the Good News of Jesus widely shared because of these close-knit family and friend relationships of the diaspora refugee missionaries. Our goal is to equip and encourage them to engage their friends and family back home and start long-distance discipleship relationships. This approach has already had amazing fruitfulness in closed countries, including: Iran and Afghanistan because these new diaspora missionaries know the culture and heart language of their people.

By continuing to equip the diaspora throughout the world to reach their homelands, we are able to have a greater mission impact in closed countries. We want to create video Bible stories in their native languages to steward this opportunity! Until now, our teams have used Bible quotes, Christian icons or live streams, but these lack a continuous long-distance discipleship approach. New Bible story videos will provide it in a captivating and ongoing way. Will you give $100 or more to see this become a reality?

Your gift today will help reach the neglected. It's so exciting to see how God orchestrates every situation to further His Kingdom! You and I get to partner with Him in it! I hope you'll look for opportunities to love displaced people and refugees where you are now that you know how God is working in other foreign lands! I also hope you will sow into this generously and help us equip these new diaspora missionaries with video Bible stories in their native language so they will more effectively disciple and have conversations about Jesus with those in their homeland so we can see the neglected reached! Your gift of $100 today will go a long way toward creating video Bible stories in the native language of neglected people who are new diaspora missionaries currently displaced in a foreign land globally.

All that we do in All Nations globally is about multiplication! We believe this effort is crucial and we are intentional as we empower and equip the new diaspora missionaries to participate in the great harvest -- reaching and discipling their friends and family in closed countries!

Your gift today of $100 or more today to support video Bible story creation and new diaspora missionaries who are displaced share Jesus and disciple their friends and family in Iran and beyond.


[Pictured above: Members of the Persian Church strategizing how to reach family and friends living in closed countries.]


In All Nations, our unique focus is to reach the neglected globally -- the least, the last, and the lost. Today I'm inviting you to play the part only you can play in this grand calling. Loving people into the Kingdom and discipling them effectively was a deep passion of our Founder Floyd McClung.

Would you give today? Right now, we have an amazing window of opportunity. Your gift today can automatically double and multiply because of a gracious donor's match commitment we just received!

We are 1/3 of the way toward reaching our full match amount! Would you help us reach the full $300,000 matching grant?