Devo Week 28


Plantings of the Lord -- Trees of Truth

An oak tree speaks of strength and integrity. It is often the tree of choice for hard wood floors, furniture, paneling and cabinets. Isaiah's prophecy compares our spiritual transformation to that of an oak tree. God transforms our lives into strength and integrity to reflect His glory.

Key Concept: Plantings of the Lord

Plantings of the Lord are like "oaks of righteousness for a display of His splendor," according to Isaiah 61:3b. In Thailand, oak trees are rare, while teak trees are plentiful. So, to help the Akha understand, we used the teak tree as a functional substitute. Teak trees are similar in splendor as a hardwood for floors, cabinets, furniture and even boats.

This is a good metaphor for the growth of a follower of Jesus. As we follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit conforms us to His image. We become a dependable witness of Christ, as we submit to the sanctifying work of God. Strength of character as the fruit of the Spirit is then formed and expressed through our lives. We become a people of blessing to the nations.

Maturity takes time -- a key factor that cannot be overlooked. Over time, spiritual maturity produces strength. Oak trees typically take 50 years to mature and so their growth is not a fast work. Yet, finished oaks and teaks exude glory, beauty and strength to the beholder. Likewise, we were created to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to express the glory of God. This is being the splendor of God's creation. As learners and followers of God, we mature spiritually our whole lives, growing in Christlikeness in a similar fashion. Viruses, weeds and cancer, on the other hand, grow quickly, but they are not healthy or glorious. Oaks and teaks remind us that there are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity.

We've seen this many times in Bu Sheu, one of our key Akha disciples. There is a firmness and strength in her following of Jesus. She is definitely a 'planting of the Lord.' Being a planting of the Lord refers to the work of God in our lives. We praise God and give thanks to Him for testimonies of Christ such as hers.

Remember God is the gardener, the seed is Jesus, and the people groups of the earth are His fields. Let us cooperate with God in both our personal lives and in the lives of others. As we partner with Him, we will see the life of Jesus mature in strength, integrity and the splendor of the Lord.

Above - the Statons (USA) and Bu Sheu (Thailand) talking together recently online, encouraging each other in the Lord.

Key Word Definition: righteousness (noun)

-- acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt or sin

-- the quality of being morally right or justifiable

Excerpt from Devotional 28 with highlighted word:

"If God is the Gardener and Jesus the Seed, then what are we? According to the apostle Paul, we are ‘God’s field.’ (I Cor. 3:9) When God’s seed in us flourishes, we become ‘oaks of righteousness.’"

Scripture: Isaiah 61:3b

“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”

Blake StatonComment