Devo Week 42


God is Our Shield -- Like a Turtle Shell

God made a promise to Abram: "I will be your shield.” A battle was ensuing over the 'promised land,' and Abram needed protection. Until Satan is bound and thrown into the lake of fire, we will engage in spiritual warfare. We are God's warriors, and He is our shield.

Key Concept: Our Battle-Shield

The battle is real. So is God’s protection of us. Protection is part of our redemption in Christ. After mankind through the first Adam fell into sin and separation from God, Jesus purchased our redemption with His life, restoring us back into relationship with God. This is why Jesus is referred to as the last Adam. (I Cor. 15)

Yes, the battle was won at the Cross (Col. 2:15), but the spiritual war continues. Until all the enemies are placed under Jesus’ feet at His Second Coming, satan will seek to kill, steal and destroy the purposes of God for mankind. (John 10:10) Part of the mission of God is to 'protect us from the enemy and crush him under our feet.' (I Cor. 15:25)

Our role as God’s warriors is to join Jesus in displacing the powers of darkness. As we face this spiritual battle, we proclaim the words of King David in Psalm 33 and remember God is our shield!

Key Word Definition: shield (noun)

--a person or thing providing protection

Excerpt from Devotional 42 with highlighted word:

"A shield is a defensive weapon when facing entrenched enemies. Truly, God is our shield against demonic attack as well as deliverance from it. Think of the disciples’ first testimony after being sent out, 'even the demons are subject to us.' (Luke 10:17)"

Scripture: Genesis 15:1

“After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield, your very great reward.”

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