Devo Week 43 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

Apostolic Passion - A Life Well-Lived

It’s interesting, Jesus as the Messiah, though single, was called the Everlasting Father. This is because He was full of ‘apostolic passion.’ The father heart of God for the nations is one that is dominated by love. God views life and all nations as a father. One who protects, provides and disciplines. Apostolic passion is what you’re willing to suffer for so that others and specifically the neglected will come to know their God as father. Simply put: a ‘sent one’ is being like a ‘father.’


The summation and fullness of God came in the person of Jesus Christ.  And how did He live among us? Like a father. What kind of shepherd leaves the 99 to pursue the one sheep? A father. What kind of teacher stops during a crowded street and says, “Who touched me?” A father. He felt power leave His body to heal her. The Father through Jesus went after the demonized man living in the cemetery. His apostolic passion finally led Him to the Cross where He purchased salvation for all nations.


Our adversary tries to get us to see the neglected as a project, task or ministry.  To reduce people to objects. Satan will resist, criticize and fight against apostolic passion because this is the ‘spirit’ which pursues the lost. Apostolic passion was not a title but more a description of the anointing upon Jesus. Our adversary will do anything to keep us from being filled with the Father’s love for the neglected wherever we live.  Such apostolic love always overflows to those who have not yet experienced God.   


Father God, fill us with Your love. Cause us to overflow to those around us with Your apostolic passion. Fill us with the love of the Everlasting Father who leaves the 99 for the one sheep. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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