Devo Week 50 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

Entering Their Story - Show and Tell

When we enter another’s story, we begin to understand each other’s way of life. It is at this level that the Apostle Paul focused his efforts among the non-Jewish nations. Paul said it was not only his privilege to share the Gospel but also his life with others. (I Thess. 2:8) Too often we tend to emphasize teaching and training over serving and learning. Yet, it is in serving and learning that breakthroughs will come.


The biggest part of the spiritual battle may be winning someone’s trust before he or she will receive the Good News. Our spiritual authority among others will increase or decrease around this issue. We must invest time into entering their story. As we do, we can better grasp why they view things the way they do and the motives behind their choices. (see Devotional 47 & 48) This is key to building trust with others.


Satan likes to interfere with our efforts to understand and identify deeply with others. Sometimes he might even tempt us to identify too deeply and compromise.  We are to build relationships without losing our identity in Christ. As a warning, if we lose our identity in Christ, we will lose the spiritual battle. We must ‘guard our hearts.’ The power of the Good News resides in our relationship with Jesus which is what we want introduced and imparted to others, so the Holy Spirit can lead them into the ways of Christ. 


Father, we thank You for this Good News!  We thank You that Jesus entered the story of humanity to lead all nations into salvation, both the Jew and the Gentile.  May You give us wisdom to identify with those around us and hold fast to our relationship with Jesus, undefiled and uncorrupted.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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