Business for Movements
Mission's Edge Roundtable January 2022 Session:
How business helps to make disciples and plant churches among the neglected: Stories from Africa
This decade belongs to Business for Movements (B4M) because the peoples who most urgently need a gospel breakthrough are in places with the least resources, infrastructure, and access. Business for Movements goes where the Church is not. It pioneers the apostolic advancement of Christward movements among Frontier People Groups, which, to date, have had no breakthrough of the gospel or church planting.
In this Mission's Edge, you will hear two stories of All Nations business planters and church planters who use business to support themselves and simultaneously make disciples and plant churches among unreached people groups.
Dr. Vicky Warren now leads MissionNext and serves on the board of Perspectives. She worked in innovative and creative environments alongside Steve Jobs and The Walt Disney Studios for 33 years, and transitioned in 2010 to focus on mobilization and Pioneer Business Planting in Asia and Africa. She received her Ph.D. in Missions Leadership in 2011. She and her husband, Danny, have been married for 42 years.
Gibson Chiyesa Banda works among the unreached as a church planter, disciple maker, and businessman from Malawi with All Nations. He leads a network of house churches, has trained many people, and has several businesses. He is married and has two sons and one daughter.
Jonathan Fokker is the International Business Director of All Nations, helping disciple makers become self-sustainable and reach the unreached through business. He is married and has two sons and one daughter.
George Nyaundi now plants churches and businesses among the unreached East Pohkots in Kenya with All Nations. He served in the Sotik area since 2008 to bring peace from Jesus to two opposing tribes, planting a peace-loving church and ordaining five ministers within the two tribes. He is married to Grace and they have four sons and three daughters.
Dr. Mary Ho and Dr. Vicky Warren's article, "Business Movements via Pioneer Business Planting," was published in Missio Nexus' quarterly magazine, EMQ in September 2021.