Devo Week 35 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

Rooted in Christ - Quality vs. Quantity

Fires within burn the hottest. They test our spiritual lives and bring impurities to the surface. As the dross is removed, our faith is purified and our witness for Christ is matured. That’s what God is after:  purity and maturity. His glory is best seen when Christ in us is being fully formed. (Col. 1: 28-29) Though we’re never a finished work on this side of heaven, we press on towards Christlikeness -- always learning and growing. (Phil. 3:12-15)


The Good News is that Jesus understands fully our humanity and our weaknesses. He experienced the maturing process, growing in wisdom and stature during His early stages. He was made fully into our human-likeness. (Phil. 2:5-7) He didn’t cease being God but laid aside His godly rights and privileges. Jesus lived a sinless life, but He grew in maturity. (Luke 2:52) He even learned obedience by what He suffered. (Heb. 5:8) Now, through Him, power to overcome sin, grace for growing into maturity, and victory over death are available to us!


As the late Dr. Michael Heiser said, “If you want to get involved in spiritual warfare, then we should seek to spread the Gospel among all nations.” The Gospel itself will cause spiritual warfare as the demonic is displaced by God’s glory.

Imagine a future time upon earth when there is a witness of Christ among every tongue, tribe, language, and nation. Satan has imagined it and continues to do everything possible to stop this from becoming a reality. He wants us stuck in immaturity, tempting us to live in folly after the ‘flesh nature’ rather than imaging God. (I Cor. 3:1-4)


Lord, we thank You that Jesus became fully human and understands our temptation towards sin and our struggles with immaturity. Lord, purify us by the Holy Spirit and conform us into the image of Christ. Help us to run after maturity even more than the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We want our fruit to remain and to be Christlike in nature, we pray. In Your Son’s name, Amen.

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