Devo Week 36 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

A Relational Kingdom - Universal and Unstoppable

Jesus did not entrust Himself to everyone and neither should we. Though we fight not against flesh and blood (meaning physical only), our spiritual battles are mainly relational in nature. (Eph. 6:12) Oftentimes this Scripture verse is misunderstood. Consequently, we ignore the possibility of the demonic influencing the relational realm, when in actuality the demonic is sometimes hiding in relationships. The Kingdom of God is relational, so it makes sense that the enemy would hide there.


Jesus overcame the world, the flesh and the devil while upon the earth.  And now He has sent the Holy Spirit to empower and purify our witness, while destroying the works of the enemy. God fought the devil, sought after the lost and destroyed the works of the enemy while upon the earth.  (Luke 19:10; I John 3:8) After He ascended back to heaven, He poured out the Holy Spirit to continue this work through us and our relationships.

In this relational Kingdom, spiritual warfare will happen in, through and around relationships. Perhaps this is in part what Jesus meant in Luke 17:20 when He said the Kingdom of God comes without observation. In other words, we may be demonically-resisted relationally even though we don’t fight against flesh and blood. Therefore, the source of our battle IS spiritual, but it may manifest through relationships with dark powers influencing body, soul and spirit.


Just as God has chosen humanity to be His dwelling place, likewise the enemy seeks after relationships to do his bidding.  For example, Satan spoke through Peter, one of the most prominent disciples, to influence Jesus away from God’s will. Jesus confronted and rejected Peter’s counsel and rebuked Satan trying to operate through their relationship. (Mark 8:31-33) Jesus rebuked Satan but kept His relationship with Peter. So, we should not be naïve about relational conflict as oftentimes there’s a spiritual source behind it.


Lord, we ask that our whole lives -- body, soul and spirit -- rest upon You and Your word as a secure foundation. Lord, we clothe ourselves with the full armor of God, and we take up the shield of faith in every relationship. We proclaim the shield of faith is our spiritual protection in our relationship with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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