Devo Week 41 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

The Lion and the Lamb - Symbols of God’s Nature

The Apostle Paul exhorted the Romans to know God’s goodness and severity. (Rom. 11:22) These are His ‘twin natures,’ and it’s important we understand both. Young Lucy in the Narnia series was learning this. She asked Mr. Beaver, “Is Aslan safe?” Mr. Beaver answered, “No, he’s the king and a lion; of course, he’s not safe, but he’s good!” Paul says being trained in discerning good and evil matures us.  This is crucial in spiritual warfare. Choosing wrongly can lead to wandering, drifting, diminishing, depleting -- a withering lifestyle that ultimately destructs.


God as both the lion and the lamb is for us. He is both good and severe at the same time! It was Jesus’ sacrifice as the Lamb of God (our Savior) that leads nations to repentance (Luke 19:10), and it is Jesus’ rulership as the Lion of God (King and Deliverer) that destroys the works of the enemy. (I John 3:8)

Though absolute in His power and authority, God is good. He rules, watches over and loves us and has designed our world with goodness. To live below goodness is to ‘fall short of the glory of God.” (Rom 3:23) We must trust God’s goodness, His Lamb nature. As the Lion, God is also holy, righteous and true in His innermost being. Yes, God is meek (power under control), but His lion nature -- rooted in self-control and holiness -- expresses itself in righteousness and justice.  


The works of the enemy are to steal, kill and destroy the image of God through deception. Sometimes he does this by luring us into outright rebellion, even using a ‘false call of ministry.’ As we pray, we must listen and submit to God’s goodness and severity. Both guard our relationship with God. The lion nature of God will deliver us from the evil one. Around one third of the ministry of Jesus was centered around setting at liberty the captives or deliverance from the bondage of evil spirits and demonic strongholds.


Father, give us full trust in both Your goodness and severity. Teach us to discern both good and evil so that we may mature and fulfill Your purposes in our generation!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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