Devo Week 40 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

The Art of the Gospel - Heart Language

How well is your tongue tamed? The art of language helps us understand spiritual truths. So, our speech is important. Our words can determine whether we are aligned with the Kingdom of Light or the kingdom of darkness. Though small, our tongue carries within it the power of life and death, blessing and cursing. (Prov. 18:21)


James Chapter 3 gives us the picture of wisdom being either from a source of fresh water or salt water and encourages us to keep our tongue in-check and aligned with the Kingdom of God. As we agree in our speech with God, His wisdom flows out of us, and the good fruit of heaven is released in and through us to our relationships. Our speech not only guards our soul but our life in God and with others. (Prov. 13:3) The reign we keep upon our tongue is a sign of our level of spiritual maturity and purity of heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. (Matt. 12:34)


Our adversary, the devil, uses accusation and division to devour us. If we are not careful, our very words can make us vulnerable to his attacks in these areas.  James in Chapter 3 also connects saltwater with earthly and unspiritual wisdom from the devil. The motivations of this kind of speech are selfish ambition, disorder and every evil practice.  (James 3:13-18) We must use self-control (a fruit of the Spirit) to guard our speech for both us and our hearers.  We have a choice: to follow the wisdom of God or the unearthly wisdom that is unspiritual and of the devil.


Father, cleanse our hearts by Your blood and the sprinkling of the water of Your Word. Let the streams of living water flow from our innermost being. Let Your wisdom come from our lips and speech.  Let the self-control of the Holy Spirit guard our speech and root out the wisdom that is unspiritual, earthly and demonic, we pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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