Voice of the Martyrs honors John Chau as the Day of the Christian Martyr 2022 Inductee
“You guys might think I’m crazy in all this, but I think it’s worth it to declare Jesus to these people.”
As a teenager, John Chau sensed God’s calling to take the gospel to the people of North Sentinel Island. For nine years, he prepared himself to go to the island, live among the people, learn their language and share Christ with them.
What does it take to be a worker today?
by Dr. Mary Ho, interview by Modern Day Missions
published on May 7, 2024
In September 2023, National Geographic’s The Mission film was initially released to select audiences at film festivals in the United States. On October 13, 2023, the film will be publicly released at AMC Theatres in select cities in the U.S. with plans to open in additional markets, including Ireland and the U.K., and via Disney+ global online television network in future months.
We want to share this with you:
“All Nations grieves the death of All Nations’ Missionary John Allen Chau, and we pray for his family and friends that every life will be comforted. We also pray that the Sentinelese will hear and receive the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are honored to have shared John’s unique missions journey. His God-given calling to reach the Sentinelese people was an unusual one. John believed he was joining God’s mission to share His love with them. John’s motivation was one of LOVE – to BLESS the Sentinelese. Still today, no one from the outside has learned the way they speak or think. Yet, John went, carrying no weapon, only a Bible and fish, gifts they would recognize.
As a former student of linguistics, John longed to listen to their tongue and eventually come to know their hearts. FAITH propelled John; LOVE moved him. He was willing to sacrifice his own life in order that the Sentinelese might one day know of Jesus’ love. He went with a heart to GIVE, even his very life. We honor John’s life and legacy and are inspired. May we offer our lives afresh and ask, “To whom, Lord, are You calling us to love and serve?”
Dr. Mary Ho, International Executive Leader
All Nations International
“Praying for God’s favor, protection, strategy, and for God to get the full glory He deserves from John’s life and ours. I pray for God to be with you for those who will be going to view the film.”
“I pray that the Lord will work this situation to bring glory to Himself and to awaken people to the plight of the lost and the unreached. So many will see this differently than we do, and yet we pray many will see through a different lens. May people see the heart of a young man willing to lay his life down for the cause of Christ. Through his life and message the Holy Spirit has already touched so many young people and stirred their hearts toward the unreached. Glory to God alone!”
As followers of Jesus, let us press forward and listen and obey what the Holy Spirit is asking each of us to join in with the Father. Many are waiting and hoping for a day when their hearts will find the peace and connection to their Creator found only through Jesus. Will you join God in introducing His Son to them? They do not yet know of Him, and do not yet have anyone living near them who does.
If the desire to go to the nations is stirring in you, connect with us and learn more!
John Allen Chau in the News
Voice of the Martyrs radio interview on the topic of John Chau featuring Dr. Mary Ho, International Executive Leader
GQ article featuring John Chau by Doug Clark
published on Aug. 19, 2019
Article from The Gospel Coalition (TGC) by Brett McCracken
published on Oct. 17, 2023
'The Mission' doc reignites debate over John Chau's tragic death, ethics of Evangelical missions by Leah MarieAnn Klett
published on Nov. 12, 2023
New National Geographic Documentary Fails to Tell the True Story of John Allen Chau
by The Voice of the Martyrs' Todd Nettleton
published on Nov. 16, 2023
Photo source: John Chau’s Instagram account
We remember you and your beautiful life, John. You pointed all to Jesus.
At All Nations, it’s been a season of much prayer and mourning since the loss of our humble and courageous All Nations missionary, John Allen Chau. We’ve prayed for his family, his friends, for the Sentinelese people he loved, and for God to be glorified through all this.
A seasoned traveler, John had previously taken part in mission projects in Iraq, Kurdistan and South Africa. He joined All Nations in 2017 and trained at our North American Hub in Kansas City. John was one of the most well-equipped young missionaries we’ve ever seen. He read books on cultural anthropology and missiology at the rate of one every three days. He was also trained in linguistics so he could learn the language of the Sentinelese people. He was a certified wilderness EMT, so that he could serve the Sentinelese in practical ways. He was also delightful, kind, and funny. Small children felt at ease with him, and everyone who met him felt his warmth.
As we grieve our friend we also know that he would want us to pray for those who may have been responsible for his death, the Sentinelese. Throughout church history, the privilege of sharing the gospel has often involved great cost. We pray that John’s sacrificial efforts will bear eternal fruit!
Dr. Mary Ho
International Executive Leader
All Nations International
Tributes to John Allen Chau
“John was an exceptional servant leader. He was a person so dedicated to the task in front of him and at the same time chose to be so fully present in the moment…a rare thing in our generation. It seemed he had a wealth of wisdom (in many arenas), and yet he was a compassionate and thoughtful listener. He was as human as any of us, but made thousands of everyday decisions in faithful obedience to Jesus, including his final ones. I am inspired and encouraged not only by his final sacrifice, but also by the very intentional way he lived life. What a blessing to have known him!”
– Jordan and Shawna, All Nations Members
Photo source: John Chau’s Instagram account
Photo source: John Chau’s Instagram account
“The question is not who John was to me, but who John is, and forever will be. John is the bravest of the brave. The authentic. A faith in Christ manifest by action and willful sacrifice. His intellect genius. His voice soft, measured, insightful. His gaze joyful, warm, loving, inviting. His compassion for the gospel and love of mankind focused into one and the same. May his actions be a light to the path for us to follow.”
– Dr. Burton Adrian, M.D., All Nations Member
Fellow Intern with John
“I remember being drawn to John’s character because of how openly he talked about the cost of following Jesus. It seemed like his biggest concern was whether he obeyed how God was directing him and not the consequences thereof. John firmly believed that following Jesus meant we do not resist persecution, just as Jesus himself endured it. I tried to convince him once that it was not always the case, but he was adamant. So I asked him what he would do if the tribe was hostile towards him. He said he would not turn back. Having learned that he continued on to the island even after being shot at was no surprise. John was thoroughly obedient to God, that is just the kind of man he was. John always impressed me by how prepared he was. He was not satisfied with just going, he wanted to go well. Since the language was unknown, he studied methods of learning language. He gathered every bit of information he could about the history of the island. He memorized local flora and fauna so he could identify them. He practiced survival skills, and always had a wealth of knowledge from the many, many, books he read. Knowing how prepared he was, I asked him why he had not already gone. He told me he was waiting for God to tell him to leave. John also cared deeply about the tribe. It bothered him that we did not know what they called themselves. He was concerned about their physical needs, like population decline, and social needs, like representation in the local government. Mostly though, he wanted them to have an opportunity to know and follow Jesus.”
– “Adam”, All Nations Member
Fellow CPx Member and Intern with John
Photo source: John Chau’s Instagram account
Photo source: John Chau’s Instagram account
“My first impression of John was that he seemed like a chill surfer dude from California roaming the earth seeking wild experiences and adventures with Jesus. As I got to know him, I realized that he was an incredibly grounded focused passionate disciple of Christ. John was very intentional with every aspect of his life. He was just as intentional with his death. Whatever would bring his God the most glory, that is what John would do, 100% obedience and commitment.”
– Tom Shpakow, All Nations Member
John’s CPx and Internship Supervisor
John Allen Chau’s Biography
Missionary, All Nations
John Allen Chau was born and raised in Vancouver, Wash., and joined All Nations as a missionary in 2017 to prepare for and fulfill his long-time goal of bringing the gospel to the people of North Sentinel Island.
Graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health, Exercise Science and Sports Medicine from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla. (2014), Chau trained as an Emergency Medical Technician and completed a summer of linguistics training at SIL’s Canadian Institute of Linguistics in pursuit of his goal. He also received wilderness survival training.
His missionary experience included participating in, and leading, short-term teams to Mexico, South Africa, Israel, and Kurdistan. Among the groups he worked with were ORU Missions and Outreach, and More Than a Game.
As part of his research and preparation, Chau traveled to the Andaman Islands, of which North Sentinel is part, in 2015 and 2016 before joining All Nations. While with All Nations in Kansas City, Mo., he completed a Church Planting Experience course that prepares missionaries for cross-cultural ministry.
Chau died on North Sentinel Island on Nov. 16, 2018. He was 26.
John Chau coaching soccer for this group of boys. Photo source: John Chau’s Instagram account.
A photo of John Chau’s journal. Read more of his journal >
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