Remembering John Chau - Part I - (VOM Radio 2019 Interview with Dr. Mary Ho)


Originally published on: November 2, 2019 by Voice of the Martyrs


in 2018 of this month, John Chau gave his life for Jesus Christ and the gospel on North Sentinel Island, and island in the Bay of Bengal governed by India.

Dr. Mary Ho is the executive leader of All Nations, the mission organization that sent John Chau and sends gospel workers all over the world, including countries where Christians are persecuted. Listen as she describes the John Chau she knew: unassuming, humble, soft-spoken, and with a clear calling from God to go to the people of North Sentinel Island.

Dr. Ho also talked about the criticism that came after John’s death—in secular media and even from within the church, and describe her own perspective on fulfilling the Great Commission and how missionaries bring blessings, not problems, to the nations where they go.

John was a young man when he went to the island, but he was not unprepared for challenges he might face there. Mary will tell us how much effort John put forth—years of effort—preparing to arrive on the beach that sunny morning last November.

This is Part I of our conversation with Dr. Mary Ho; tune in next week to hear Part II as we honor the life and sacrifice of John Chau.

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