Remembering John Chau - Part II - (VOM Radio 2019 Interview with Dr. Mary Ho - "What Will It Take?")


Originally published on: November 9, 2019 by Voice of the Martyrs


November 9, 2019

Dr. Mary Ho, executive leader of All Nations, is back to continue our discussion of the life and legacy of John Chau, killed in 2018 this month attempting to take Jesus’ love to the people of North Sentinel Island. John’s sacrifice has drawn comparisons to Jim Elliott and Nate Saint, and Mary will talk about the qualities they shared, especially a sacrificial, deep love for Jesus.

Mary will tell us about All Nations, the ministry she leads which sent John to the island, including how they train missionaries and church planters all over the world and then coach each one as they put their training into practice. She will also discuss what it will take to reach the hardest places—places like North Sentinel Island—with the gospel message.

John Chau felt called to North Sentinel Island after reviewing this list of unreached people groups; would you consider choosing one unreached people group to specifically pray for?

You can connect online and listen to Part I of our conversation with Dr. Mary Ho about John Chau’s life, calling and ministry.

reaching the neglected globally — the least, the last, and the lost

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