Why Go to the High Risk Places?

 (Pictured left to right: Avatar for Anna Hampton, Avatar for J, and Dr. Mary Ho.) 



Jesus mandates the whole church to "make disciples of all nations" or literally, all people groups. In this day and age of global internet access and heightened security measures, should churches still send workers to high-risk areas? Today, 85% of all least reached frontier people groups have less than one Christian among every 1,000 persons. Someone from the outside has to go in with the Gospel. Come join this panel of experienced experts to grapple with what it takes to send workers to finish the Great Commission in this generation. 

A Few Takeaways:

  • A Comprehensive Theology of Risk:

    • Foundation: Who or what is our foundation when we are taking risks

    • Selection: Who has God called for each risk

    • Worship: Adoration and love for God leads us, not our ego or sense of adventure. When we enter risk as worship, we can better handle trauma. 

  • Three areas of calling: individual, mentors/teachers, and church family.

  • How do we prepare go-ers to risky places? 1. Security Trainings (can help senders as well as go-ers) 2. Walking alongside them to develop spiritual maturity. Having people to stand with them and listen to them. 3. Listening the Holy Spirit, use discernment.

  • We are who we send. Who are we in the local church? Could you provide care for someone like Job’s wife?

  • Leaders and pastors need to invite the church body into an ongoing journey of connection and support for those in the field.

  • When you meet someone serving in a risky place, do not bring your fears to them. Bring your encouragement and support for the calling God has placed on their life.

 A Few Resources:

Roundtable Panel:
Dr. Mary Ho
 is the International Executive Leader of All Nations International. She received her Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Virginia-based Regent University. She is married and has two sons.

DrAnna Hampton is a global risk consultant and specialist on theology of risk. Anna has almost thirty years of ministry experience, raised her family in Afghanistan and Turkey and serves with her husband, Neal, with Barnabas International, providing pastoral support to Gospel workers ministering in dangerous areas. Anna holds a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from Bethel University and a Doctor of Religious Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary (Indiana).  She may be contacted at Theology of Risk or followed on Instagram at Theology.of.Risk. 

In a world where front-line Kingdom advancement is increasingly dangerous, resilience and endurance requires risk savviness and fear management. Dr. Hamptons' NEW book, Facing Fear, covers a wide range of topics beyond the practical theology of risk covered inFacing Danger. Facing Fear includes a discussion on the global challenge of violence, the New Testament Greek background of persecution, discernment in risk, ethics, decision-making, situational awareness, how to think in risk, risk communication, and much more.  You can order Facing Fear by clicking this link.

J has been serving with All Nations since 2007 and currently lives and serves in North Africa with his family. (For security reasons we won’t use his real name). He has been involved in preparing and sending many short term trips into Africa, and has joined many of those trips too. In 2012 his family and four others travelled in two vehicles, for seven months, from Casablanca to Cape Town, to explore unengaged & unreached people groups, and to get a glimpse into where and how God was moving. He also lived in Malawi for nine months while training church planters among the Yao people, before moving to North Africa in 2018.

(In order to protect our worker and guest panelist, real photos and J's real name and location cannot be shared.)

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