Devo Week 39 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

Aiming at the Heart - Stories and Myths

Though much warring begins in the mind, God’s battle strategy is to engage the heart.  “Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.”  (Prov. 4:23) The issues of life come from the heart – the place where God’s truth aims. Oftentimes, Jesus hid His truth within stories to be understood at a later time. The enemy, on the otherhand, wants you to lose your own story altogether which is destructive and disorienting.  


To be lost is a terrible feeling. You become unsure of everything around you. God did not create us to live a lost life. The Good News is that God is the Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 to go after the one sheep. (Luke 15:1-7) God also did not create us to live a confused or disoriented life, but one that brings fulfillment through relationships. He has a plan and purpose for every one of us. As we reorient ourselves upon Jesus as our foundation, our lives make sense.  The Good News brings meaning to both our lives and stories.   


Our adversary the devil seeks to devour us. (I Pet. 5:8) Satan is the father of lies whose strategy is to trick us into living a false reality. He is the master gaslighter and author of false narratives.  We must guard our hearts.  Satan’s lies darken our view of God to confuse and deceive us. He may use others to derail us off God’s path for our lives. This could happen by us becoming proud of our accomplishments or bitter through betrayals or conflicts. We should continually test our hearts before God through both the good times and bad times. (Ps. 139:23-24) When we test our hearts by the Word of God and by listening to the Holy Spirit, our road in life becomes clear.


Lord, search and test our hearts and reveal any hurtful ways in them. Purify our hearts of deceptive pride, anger, or harbored bitterness from betrayals or conflicts.  We bring our hearts before You. May Your Word and the Holy Spirit cleanse us and anchor us through the storms of life. Make us wholehearted followers of You, in Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

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