Devo Week 46 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

Light Overcomes Darkness - Shadows of Christ (Part 2)

Darkness flees in the very presence of light. John the Baptist knew this. He was a messenger of Jesus who ‘was not the light but a witness to that light.’ Jesus is the light of the world, and only His light overcomes darkness. (John 1:5) So, the essence of spiritual warfare is ‘bearing witness to the light of Christ.’  (John 8:12)


God has ordered His creation, even the solar system with the sun, moon and stars. These lights in the sky bear witness to the handiwork of our Creator God.  Then, His greatest work came when He sent His only Son to be a ‘light’ in this dark world. Light brings hope, peace, security and understanding to the darkness of this world. We are to live and labor to bear witness to the light of Christ wherever we are.  We are also to allow the light of Christ to change us and shine through us. God sent His Son as the light of the world, and now He sends us bearing witness to this same light!  Rejoice for Christ the light of the world has come for all nations!  (Luke 2:29-32)


Spiritual battles are between light vs. darkness. (Col. 1:13) Darkness is a sign that we under a demonic assault. When there’s darkness, things don’t make sense. We don’t understand what’s happening around us.  In darkness we often feel disoriented or lost, having wandered away or been led astray. During such times, we must turn to Christ — the light that overcomes the darkness.  As followers of Christ, we simply point others to His light and the glory of God will increase! 


Father, we thank You for sending Your son Jesus to bring light to all nations!  We praise You that the light overcomes all the darkness.  We look to Jesus as the light of the world. Now let Your light shine through us to all nations!  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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