Devo Week 47 - Discerning the Unseen Realm


“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt.10:16

The Role of the Insider - Spirit of Adoption (Part 1)

Apostles are those who are sent by God. It’s important, then, to consider the ‘spirit in which we go and are sent.’ Are we bearing witness to the life and presence of Christ wherever we go? Our lives will be a witness; the question is a ‘witness for whom?’ We want people to receive and be impacted by the spirit of Christ in all that we do. 


God is surely for us being sent into the world to be His witness. (Acts 1:8) For the apostolic, the spirit of adoption is essential in order for ‘sent ones’ to be accepted by the host people and culture. As Christ is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself. (John 12:32) Jesus’ disciples had been with Him for three years, and yet He told them to wait for the ‘promise of the Father,’ referring to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 24:49). The promise of the Father is the ‘spirit of adoption.’ All nations are to feel the blessing of being received by God through Jesus Christ.


As we gain the favor of an insider, our influence increases.  Therefore, it is key that we continue to examine our witness, lest we become ineffective and possibly lose some rewards. Satan will surely oppose us, and if he can’t get us away from the Lord, he may simply undermine our witness for Christ. While God is after deepening our relationships through the spirit of adoption, Satan seeks to diminish our witness for Christ.


Father, we thank You for the spirit of adoption in our lives. Deepen our relationship with you and others in Jesus’ name! Let the spirit of adoption rest upon us as we seek to share Your Good News with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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