It Takes a Village

So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them . . . (Luke 5:7) 

The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike. (I Sam. 30:24b)

People say that it takes a village to raise a child. But I say that it takes a village to send workers to the least reached. James and Lily* are a young Asian family that we are sending to a hard place this month. Their decision to go was heart wrenching, especially because Lily’s parents who were not followers of Jesus could not understand. Then recently, her dad had cancer and surgery, and her mom was experiencing severe oppression. But an uncle shared Jesus with them, and friends from All Nations and a local church visited them regularly to pray for them. Last month, both parents decided to follow Jesus! The dad started sharing Jesus everywhere, even from his hospital bed! And the mom is experiencing greater freedom. Now, our workers from All Nations and the local church are holding regular worship services at the parents’ house! And they are praying for Lily’s brother who had run-ins with the law. 

Even as James and Lily leave, her parents have gained a spiritual family to love and care for them. James and Lily picked the above scriptures because James said that though they themselves are called to go, but all have been called to sacrifice. And all will receive the reward of sending workers to the mission field. Those who send will receive the same reward as those who go. Those who care for the goers and their families will receive the same inheritance as those who go. Those who send a loving text, give sacrificially, send care packages, pray for their welfare, and visit them will receive the same blessing as those who go. 

The church that sends them will receive the same reward as those who go. James and Lily come from the first church ever planted by the first missionary to this country. But since then, this church has not sent out any workers in 160 years. All Nations gets the honor and privilege of training and sending these first workers commissioned out by this first church! 

All of us called to be the community that sends. As a young stay-at-home mom and homemaker, I embraced the promise that “the women at home divide the plunder.” (Ps. 68:12b) As a young mom, I hosted dinners for missionaries, housed them on furlough, gave financially, and occasionally visited them on short-term trips. My family and I have received overflowing in return. My young-adult sons say they know and love Jesus because of the many missionaries who have graced our dinner table and shared their hardships and breakthroughs! 

The Lord is calling us to be a community of senders. Will you ask Jesus what part will you play? If you or your church would like interactive equipping on being great senders, we would love to come alongside you! Please connect with us via Peggy Spiers via email: For more information on Sender's U, link here, too!

Mary Ho

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