Taking a chance at relationships

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There is a season to give and a season to receive.

I remember meeting Brandon Jones at a conference in Nairobi sometime in 2014. I met him at the courtesy of his father-in-law Allan Parker, who (if I remember correctly) was the main speaker at the conference. Brandon shared on disciple-making and I recall saying to myself, “he’s got something that I don’t have and I want it.”

Three weeks later I met Julianna and Mikayla. This was a very different experience for me — I must say they were the first American family I had ever met. The joke is always on the cultural difference between Kenyans and Americans. Julianna asked if I wanted coffee or water or juice or tea. I chose tea (only to be asked what type of tea I wanted.) I must say I was overwhelmed … I only knew of black tea then. (On average in Kenyan homes, guests are offered what the owner has — rarely are choices given).

During that season, I had stopped going to church, because of the struggle I had at that time and, secondly, because the church was setting up a church building and sadly the sermons were feeling very manipulative. The personal struggle was trying to overcome an addiction and I was not getting the help I needed. When I shared with Julianna, she cried for me, which was a new, unknown response (everyone else had told me I was a sinner and God was not happy with me, of which I believed to be true). I knew I could trust her, I felt safe with her and her family. I never felt shame or rejection. Instead, I experienced love even when I unconsciously pushed her buttons expecting rejection. She/they kept on loving me.

God used this discipleship relationship to set me free from the addiction. In 2017 my book was published: Love Unlimited (Link to see the book on Amazon.)

I was so afraid to publish the book, afraid of being ridiculed, rejected, and, being put to shame. However, despite all this, in obedience and through God’s provision, the book was published. Never did I think or imagine the great work that the Lord was doing through my journey.

God allowed my story of addiction and healing to be written in the leading newspapers in Kenya and from there people began writing and asking for help. Today, I pass on as I received: love, hope, healing, and discipleship. I am reaching mostly Christians of all ages and gender who are struggling with addiction and vehemently doubting God’s love for them. Discipleship as Jesus demonstrated builds relationships and this is key in removing the scales and allowing Jesus to shine His love to them.

Rarely do we know why God brings someone into our life. Take a chance on people, on relationships.

Questions to consider:

Are there relationships that Jesus is asking you to pursue especially intercultural or interracial? What might it mean taking a chance at them?

What is the truth about all God’s creation of the human race?

What lies might you have believed about other races?

About the Author:
Ruth is passionate about helping facilitate healing for people lost in addiction. Through discipleship and counseling, she has seen many individuals in Kenya and elsewhere in the world find freedom in Christ. She is an All Nations field worker based in Nairobi, Kenya under the Kampala hub.


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