Joy in Obeying
Photo by Taisiia Shestopal on Unsplash
How I Listen to the Holy Spirit
Randy has a heart for generosity, but realizes that we can so easily become reluctant to give, even as believers. For him, giving flows out of his relationship with Jesus. “I hang out with Him a lot,” Randy explains.
He recently shared a story about how the Holy Spirit first taught him to be obedient in giving: 30 years ago the Holy Spirit told him to empty his wallet for a brother in need. His first thought, though, was “how much money do I have in my wallet?” There was a $100 in his wallet – not an insignificant amount back then. He obeyed anyways and, in doing so, found a “joy in giving and obeying” that he has held onto ever since!
He describes further, “throughout the last 30 years my wife and I have become extravagant givers.” It’s nothing they planned. They simply opened their hearts to Jesus and said, “It’s all yours, what do you want us to do with our time, talent and treasure!”
Next, “we obey,” he said. “It’s important to know it is not about how much time, talent and treasure you have, it’s about your willingness to give it away.”
In Mark 10: 17-22 a rich man encounters Jesus and asks, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus told him to go and sell everything and give to the poor. That man went away sad because he loved his wealth more than he loved Jesus. Is there anything in your life that you love more than Jesus? Give it away.
How we spend our time, talent and treasure both reveals and trains our hearts. Where they go, there our hearts will be also. So the question is, where’s your heart? When did you obey the Holy Spirit even when it wasn't easy?
About the author:
Randy Catlett has been around All Nations since day one working with Floyd McClung and others who were the foundational team. He and his wife have always attended our global meetings and are dear friends and cherished part of our leadership team. Currently, Randy helps oversee pastoral care for the field workers trained by All Nations Kansas City and has been with ANKC since the beginning, sacrificing much of his time and resources over the years for this family.