Choosing How to Wait


As is the case for many missionaries all over the world, I find myself in a season of waiting with no guarantee of when it will end. Many of my friends and co-workers have found themselves in similar situations during this pandemic.

During these months of waiting I have continually, in each moment, had to choose how I was going to wait. Would I be the "wounded waiter", a victim to time and the Hand that has ordained the delay? Or would I choose to wait with eager expectation and anticipation of what this time of waiting may hold? Would I trust that the ONE who has ordained this delay has plans for this time? Trusting that He is good, trustworthy and faithful and that He wastes NOTHING!?

I would have to say this has been among the hardest seasons of waiting I have endured. At times it has been difficult to identify a reason or purpose to this time of waiting. The truth is, God does not owe me an explanation, a reason, or a purpose in the waiting. And yet, in His graciousness I can see all of those things in the teaching opportunities, time with family, and the time to address medical issues. I'm sure there are even more reasons that I may never know, but He does!

Everyday has been a test of making sure that my spoken words to myself and others reflect my claim of trust in a Good Father who gives good gifts to His children and a Good Shepard who leads His flock perfectly and lovingly. I have failed many times and yet the Grace of the Father has been with me, giving me strength to try again and choose better next time.

Perhaps you are also in a season of waiting? My prayer for you is that you will find the Joy of trusting in the sovereignty of the one who has written each one of your days before one of them came to be! May we all know our Lord more for the waiting

About the Author: Jessica “Mama J” McFalls has served in full-time ministry since 2004.  She has served with several ministries in multiple countries in Africa, South Asia and East Asia.  She has been with All Nations since 2011 when she did her CPx training at the Cape Town hub in South Africa.  With All Nations she has served in Cape Town, the Himalayas of NW India, and is currently in Taiwan.  She has served on hub staff, as a field team leader, and currently serves as a CP/member care coach and a trainer for CPx both with cross-cultural catalytic workers and local indigenous workers.  She holds an M.A. in Christian Formation and Discipleship and is an ordained minister.  The thing that makes her smile more than anything else is seeing people come to Christ and grow in their relationship with Him.  It’s those little “aha” moments along the way in their discipleship that makes everything worth it!!!

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Lessons from the Least, the Last, and the Lost, All Nations Weekly Devotion by Blake Staton, M.Div.
All Nations Pocket Guide to Church Planting by Dr. Pam Arlund (in many languages)
All Nations Storytelling Resource
Mission’s Edge, a monthly roundtable learning opportunities with ministry and missions leaders! Sign-up for any of these today and participate! Let’s grow together!

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