Game Over! It's On!

This month we are launching a new communication campaign Game Over! It's On! We are using this among efforts with missions and ministry leaders and more. Here's what it means: As believers, it’s high time we said Game Over! We say Game Over! to passivity, peoples with no churches, and churches with no Bibles.

This week I met someone from an organization called Project 42. When I asked her about the name, she explained that it’s because 42 percent of the world is unreached but then with a big smile, she claims, "it’s inching towards 41 percent." Well, we say Game Over! to 42 percent of the world’s population being unreached. We say Game Over! to a quarter of the world’s population having less than one believer among every 1,000 people. In the same conversation, I suggested that one day her organization will be called Project Zero!

The Holy Spirit says It’s On! to count down to zero. It’s On! to push with urgency to see the unreached reached and the neglected won. This summer in All Nations, It’s On! to see every church have at least one Bible. Early this year, I was chatting with Wilson, our Ugandan leader who started a church movement of 4,270 churches and 59,700 disciples, and yet only 790 of these churches have access to any bibles. These Bible-less churches are among the unreached Nubians, the Dafurian people from Sudan, in the ghettos and refugee camps, and among prostitutes, refugees, drug dealers, and street children. A couple of gentlemen whom we’ve never met heard about this situation, flew to Kansas City to chat with me, and then shipped audio bibles to Uganda in March. As a result, 54 new discipleship groups and churches have been started in two months! We want to see the same provision for Bible-less churches among the other unreached peoples, including: among Tibetan Buddhist peoples of S. Asia, the East Pokots of northwestern Kenya, the Menings of Uganda and S. Sudan, the Yawo Muslim peoples of Malawi, the Tonga and Lozi peoples of Zambia, and many others.

We invite you to Link∞Arms with All Nations’ people groups without Bibles. Our workers are innovating solutions, including recording narrated bibles in traditional thanka artform for Tibetan Buddhist peoples; creating recordings of the Bible on special APPS with minimal data (because data is too expensive in many parts of the world); and communicating Bible stories by drawing stick figures in places where the Bible does not exist or among those who learn best by oral means.
Even as we declare Game Over! to passivity, Bible-lessness, and churchless peoples, what areas in our individual lives do we need to declare Game Over! Endings birth new beginnings. So, let’s ask ourselves, which area of our lives is the Holy Spirit saying
to us It’s On?



Dr. Mary Ho, DSL
All Nations International, Inc. | International Executive Leader
Reaching the neglected globally -- the least, the last, and the lost

Have you purchased Dr. Pam Arlund's book, Stick Figures Save the World? It is hot off the press. She just published it in April 2022. It is available for purchase

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To participate or learn about our monthly global prayer for the neglected people around the world, sign-up HERE to receive a monthly video prayer invite.  We meet on the last Thursday of each month at 8 am CST (US).  We encourage everyone to join in as we pray that Jesus will be worshiped by all peoples of the earth — the least, the last, and the lost!

Lessons from the Least, the Last, and the Lost, All Nations Weekly Devotion by Blake Staton, MAICS.
All Nations Pocket Guide to Church Planting by Dr. Pam Arlund (in many languages)
All Nations Storytelling Resource
Mission’s Edge, a monthly roundtable learning opportunities with ministry and missions leaders! Sign-up for any of these today and participate! Let’s grow together!

Our Founder, Floyd McClung, has 18 books and audio/video teachings that will be an encouragement to you as you press in to all Jesus has for you in your journey! Connect HERE to our founders area to be equipped!

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Bless you today!

Mary HoComment