Little Drummer Boy
Photo by Yoel Winkler on Unsplash
I know that for many "The Little Drummer Boy" 🥁 is a nothing song, but for me it's always been a favorite. I get choked up and teary-eyed listening to the song of a "poor boy" with nothing to give coming before Jesus and giving what he has, even if its just a simple song on an old drum. Maybe because often I identify with that boy.
There was an old claymation movie of the same title where he showed up the same time as the wise men. They gave their symbolic and lavish gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and he, embarrassed realizes that he has no gift to bring, except himself, and the one little drum that he can play a simple rhythm on. Regardless of the simplicity of his offering, how great the other offerings are in comparison to his and despite his own smallness, he steps forward, and plays for the young Jesus. The baby smiles.
I've often felt like that kid. I feel I have so little to offer King Jesus. It's so tempting to make up cool stuff to do, and I spent a good portion of my early 20s creating big dreams of my own to pursue to somehow prove that my offering could be as worthy as the offerings of those around me. I wanted to being something of value to the King, if it killed me -- and it nearly did.
But that wasn't what Jesus wanted. He wanted me. I've learned that's all God wants. He doesn't want great things from us, He wants us, our hearts presented as a living sacrifice. The little drummer boy's gift may have been the smallest, simplest gift presented that night, but I think to Jesus it was the most precious. That boy gave what he had -- himself, his gifts and his talents, regardless of what others thought or how they perceived it. I hope my life with Jesus looks the same way, and each day I can say "I don't have much, but I have my drum, and I can play."
Link to the song below.
PS. We started Christmas music in early November. Sue me. ;)
About the author:
All Nations Missionary Keifer Lucchi lives and works in the Czech Republic with his wife and two children, where they reach out to Czech and Roma people, while also working with LGBTQ+ individuals across Europe. Together they run a Czech non-profit, with the aim of bringing hope to neglected people, and are passionate about writing, and telling stories as well as being a part of the stories of others.