Speaking of Jesus


Last week our dear friend Selina, from Iran, asked if she could come over to cook for me. In Iranian culture, women would come to their pregnant friend’s house and cook multiple meals she could keep in the fridge to eat during the week. She made Iranian rice, baked a fish, made lamb kebabs, meat-balls in an Iranian vegetable stew. She took over the kitchen and cooked up a storm! 

While cooking, she asked me one question about God after the other! (She just started following Jesus and is so hungry to know Him more). She also wanted to know if she could speak to angels. In very broken German, I tried to explain that we can speak to God directly, that Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to live inside of us, and that we can hear His voice. Her eyes widened and she asked: "Is the Holy Spirit God? And does He live inside of us?"

On the one hand I was so excited to share this wonderful truth with her, but couldn’t believe I found myself in a situation where I had to explain The Trinity in German! 😅

While I was searching through my German vocabulary, Holy Spirit reminded me of several instances where Selina had told me things like: “Before I knew Jesus I could easily say white lies, but now it feels like He is so close, that I do not want to do it anymore” and “When I’m lying in bed in the refugee camp, without family, I hear a voice telling me that I am not alone, that God loves me and that He is close to me” and “When I worry about my future and about money, I hear God say: ‘hey Selina, why worry? I am here and I hold everything in My hands!’” 

So all I had to do, is remind her of those times, and tell her that she already hears Holy Spirit’s voice! That He guides her, comforts her and leads her to trust Him. I loved that I could partner with Holy Spirit and just point her to Jesus, and the work He is already doing in her life. 

It is so beautiful to watch this relationship. Selina is longing for more of God, and Jesus is responding to her love. It reminds me of Mary Magdalene, searching for Jesus on that third morning. She withdrew herself from the other disciples, pushing past all her fears and unbelief, to find Jesus. And He responded to her love, by showing Himself to her! I am inspired again to love with the love that will not be satisfied with anything less then Jesus Himself.

About the Author:  Maxie Pretorius is from South Africa, where she started rubbing shoulders with All Nations in 2013. Together with her husband, they lead the Hamburg Hub. She is passionate about seeing people walk in the freedom they have in Jesus. She enjoys birdwatching and her favorite family member is their Miniature Schnauzer, Gaudi. 


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Lessons from the Least, the Last, and the Lost, All Nations Weekly Devotion by Blake Staton, M.Div.
All Nations Pocket Guide to Church Planting by Dr. Pam Arlund (in many languages)
All Nations Storytelling Resource
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