True Stewardship

Pastor Peter transporting his Kangamu for sale

Pastor Peter transporting his Kangamu for sale

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:35-37, 39-40 NIV

In the month of March, I was fortunate to attend a pioneer business planting class in Sotik, Kenya. Sotik is about 270 Kilometers from Nairobi.  That is where Pastor Peter, his wife Irene, and their three sons reside. For that week in March they hosted us.

This blog will be referring to the core value ‘we work hard and with excellence’. I feel Peter’s family has lived up to this value. 

Along with being a father, Peter is a businessman, pastor of a church, has a ministry with street children, and is a respected man in his village of Cheplat, Sotik.

The family took such good care of Jonathan, Gibson, Elise, George, Moses and I. They made sure we had amazing food for breakfast, lunches and dinners. What was most remarkable was that as the training was happening, his business ran smoothly and he was still helping people in the community. For example, there was a man whose son had run away and was desperately looking for him. Peter was able to calm him and help mobilize people to search for his teenage son.

The people of Cheplat had praises for the role that Peter plays in his community as he serves the Lord. He is faithful, hardworking, generous, excellent, has amazing business skills and loves his family. They work well as a unit. 

Peter’s business entails selling a product called “Kangumu”.  It is a deep fried snack mainly bought for breakfast. I know when he began, he started with one wheat flour packet of 2 kilograms. Today, he prepares the same but makes 240 kilograms per day by hand.

In the business, he employs the rehabilitated street boys, where he ensures they are provided for and also continue to grow in their faith in Christ through discipleship.

He hopes to expand his business.  To achieve this he will need to mechanize the production process.  This includes buying a mixer and a gas unit.  He also wants to buy a car to help sell his commodities further away than he is currently able to access using a motorbike. Would you be praying for him and if you can, give towards making this business expansion possible. The cost is projected to be Ksh 600,000 or around $5,510.

You can reach Peter via WhatsApp or Signal on +254 729534463 

Note: Be patient if he doesn’t answer your call on the first attempt.  He is probably on a motorbike on business or ministry. Either way, he is serving God and spreading the good news of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

I have learned from Peter true stewardship, the gift of hard work and the benefit of excellence. He and his family are a model of Christ in their community. 

Call to Action: 

  1. Please celebrate those in our families and in our hub who work hard and with excellence.

  2. What would working hard and with excellence look like for you? Is there room for improvement?

  3. Pray for one another in your Hub or as the Lord leads

About the Author: Ruth is passionate about helping facilitate healing for people lost in addiction. Through discipleship and counseling, she has seen many individuals in Kenya and elsewhere in the world find freedom in Christ. She is an All Nations field worker based in Nairobi, Kenya under the Kampala hub.

Ruth’s testament of Jesus’s victory in her own journey of healing from addiction can be viewed and purchased at

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Lessons from the Least, the Last, and the Lost, All Nations Weekly Devotion by Blake Staton, M.Div.
All Nations Pocket Guide to Church Planting by Dr. Pam Arlund (in many languages)
All Nations Storytelling Resource
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