Jesus' Generosity As Our Example
Photo by Jeremy Yap via Unsplash
Jesus modeled generosity and challenges me to do the same. The best example was His ultimate sacrifice He gave for a sinner like me. He actually gave His ALL and paid the HIGHEST price for ME. The verse that comes to my mind on a regular basis is “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. I was the recipient of His generosity. This still baffles me after so many years. If Christ did that for me, and for all people, while they were in their neediest state, wouldn’t it be right and fitting for us to also sacrifice so others can hear about this gift? Let’s not let God’s gift be wasted by keeping it to ourselves. Giving money is one way to share this with the farthest souls on earth. However, time, prayer, energy, focus and all that we have should be at His disposal for us to give for those far AND near.
I sense the Father blessing my life as I journey to know Jesus and walk out this value. My life is a story of grace and second chances. Jesus has given me such patience in my growth with Him. Although I’ve known Him from childhood, really, I have not been consistently “growing” that whole time. It seems to have come in milestones and personal revivals along the way. The Spirit has always been working patiently. I’m so thankful. The more I obey and trust the easier it is the next time. I always feel like I’m taking baby steps, but as long as I’m stepping forward and not backwards, then that is progress.
I’m trying to really hear before I step, so that I step in confidence that it is He directing and not myself. This is still an art and skill in progress. I’m so thankful for His patience with me. Yes, I do see God’s blessing in this way of walking. I have peace and also a sense of excitement about what God is doing. This propels me forward in my journey with God.
In various ways, this season is requiring a new level of faith and loving people. We understand the joy in giving, not just to the church; we almost look for opportunities. God is stretching me in new ways this year. Financial sending is only one way He is continually gaining my trust. He has increased the number of workers I support every year. During this time of pandemic and loss of income, I kept trusting God would provide and He has provided above and beyond how I expected. When I originally wrote this I had been in the middle of a shut down with no income. But God ended up blessing us financially and my business resumed 6 weeks later and is being blessed. We are still giving and took on another new worker a few weeks ago. It’s exciting to be part of Gods work and see Him provide.
There is another way God is growing me: that is through a friendship with a new neighbor from Turkey. God is helping me to put into practice those things I have learned from the workers I support. While I pray and give toward those who have no access to the gospel, that does not take the place of sharing it in my backyard. It’s not enough to give and expect others to share gospel. We should all be doing what we are supporting our workers to do. We should all bloom where we are planted and spread as many seeds across the field as we can. May the wind of the Holy Spirit bear fruit across the whole earth. May it be so Lord Jesus.
As a final encouragement, here is my exhortation: step out in faith and don’t be afraid. Even a small step of obedience will strengthen your next step. Trust God with the outcome. What truth or characteristic of God's heart would you emphasize to help you grow?
He is trustworthy. And He is bigger than my humanity. If I make a mistake or don’t do something right, He can still use it to do what He wants to accomplish. He only asks for my obedience... He will do with it what He wants. The outcome lies with Him, not me, so trust Him to do what He can do and what I cannot do.
reaching the neglected globally — the least, the last, and the lost
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Devotional Series - Lessons from the Least, the Last, and the Lost brought to you by All Nations International and Blake Staton, All Nations Cultural & Missiology Consultant. Link here for more info and to sign up.