The Stages of Motivation as a Disciple Maker

It has been my experience, and perhaps yours as well, that the “Why” of doing missions over the years has changed several times as I grow and mature in my relationship with Christ. As my understanding of God’s vision for my life and the world has continued to grow, the motivation of my heart to make Him known to the nations has gone through a kind of metamorphosis. Recently I set out to attempt to map out what this motivational metamorphosis has looked like. Perhaps as you read about my journey of missional motivations, you will have some revelation of your own journey that may prove helpful.

The first motivation or stage that I identified was what I call the “I’m so excited (and I just can’t hide it!)” stage or The Excitement Stage. This is when we first encounter Jesus and His Spirit fills us. We are all too aware of the darkness we have just been delivered from, of the life of abundance, joy, and freedom the Lord has called us into, and we want to be sure that everyone hears about it! It’s like the response of the woman at the well in John 4:29 when after having met Jesus she runs into her village saying to anyone who would listen…”Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?”

The second motivational stage for me was the “Because I said so!” stage or The Command Stage. By this time, I had begun to read and study the Scriptures and learned that not only should I share about Jesus with others because of how excited I am for what He has done in my life, but also because He commanded that we should do so. In Matthew 18:18-20, Jesus clearly tells us to…”Go and make disciples…” So, if we are to be obedient, which Jesus told us repeatedly in John 14 is the way in which we demonstrate our love for Him, I should follow the Christ’s instructions! This step of obedience in sharing about Christ to others, even after the initial excitement had worn off, is an important step in maturity and growth as a Christian.

The third identified stage for me was the “What’s my calling?” stage or The Purpose Stage. I began asking if God had a specific calling for my life. Much like a maturing child, “because I said so” was no longer an adequate answer to my questions of “why.” As I looked closer through the Scriptures and prayed earnestly for the Lord to speak to me about His plan for my life, He began to lead me to reach out to those around me who did not yet know Jesus. I learned from Scriptures like 1 Corinthians 3:9 that we are meant to be co-workers with God. We are part of God’s plan in how His Kingdom would come and His will would be “done on earth as it is in Heaven.” How incredible that God would use broken vessels like myself to fulfill His plans. Now my obedience response to his command to “…go and make disciples…” took on more depth, a deeper understanding. This stage reignited a kind of excitement in me to share the Gospel of Jesus in a way I had not experienced for quite some time!

The final stage is the “I love you too!” stage or The Relationship Stage. I believe that this is the place that God is brining each and every one of us in all areas of our lives, not just about making disciples. It is that place where our hearts begin to love what He loves and desire what He desires. It is not an excitement that eventually dies off, it’s not just about being obedient, and it is a purpose that moves beyond myself and my purpose or place in life. It’s the moment when the reasons lie entirely outside of myself for the sake of another. For the sake of the heart of Jesus! It is our heart’s response to the desire of the Father’s heart described by Peter in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” And the realization that even this heart response that we offer back to Jesus is only possible “…because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

Do you see yourself in any or all of these stages of missional motivation? Perhaps you would identify another heart motivation for why you make disciples. I believe it is important to spend some time reflecting why we do what we do and inviting Jesus to continue His work in our hearts in minds on this adventure journey with Him in seeing His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven!

About the author: Jessica “Mama J” McFalls has been with All Nations since 2011 when she did her CPx (Church Planting Experience) training at the Cape Town Hub in South Africa. While working with All Nations, she has served in Cape Town, the Himalayas of northwest India, and is now helping plan the launch of the All Nations Taiwan Hub. She has served on Hub staff, as a field team leader, and currently serves as a church planting/member care coach and a trainer for CPx both with cross-cultural catalytic workers and local indigenous workers. She holds an M.A. in Christian Formation and Discipleship and is an ordained minister.

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