Church Planters without Borders
What if you could reach an entire village with the Gospel...from your desk?
This is exactly what happened to our teammate, Amin. As part of our focus to report and document what is happening among the local and refugee population in Hamburg, we have to share this incredible story. Because of Amin's efforts here in Hamburg, a remote village in Northern Iraq knows Jesus Christ.
Here is Amin's story.
A Yazidi shrine at the base of a mountain. (Photo by Levi Meir Clancy.)
During the lockdowns in Hamburg, I started asking God, “What should I do? I'm at home and not allowed to go out. How do I reach people with the Gospel?” Then I quickly received my answer.
I received a phone call that day from a friend of mine in Northern Iraq. He lives among a remote region of people called Yazidi. He talked to me for a bit and then opened his Whatsapp camera so that I could see what was going on there. I saw his friend falling to the ground in pain, and he looked to be in a deep depression. My friend asked me to please pray for him and all of his friends. They were all new believers; many were not baptized yet, and they were struggling against evil spirits. This is unfortunately part of Yazidi culture; everyday life includes black magic and evil spirits. The Yazidis were heavily persecuted by ISIS about 10 years ago, with radicals trying to force Yazidis into Islam. ISIS has since fled that region, and at the time my friend called me, the ground was ripe to receive the Gospel.
I prayed that God would release them and bring them freedom from these spirits. I said, “Please accept Jesus in your life, and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and be with you forever.” My friend agreed, and I quickly told him, “If you don’t connect with God every day, those evil spirits will be back, and they will be even more powerful.” After this conversation, my friend there in northern Iraq decided he wanted to study the Bible together with me. God had answered my prayer: I wasn’t able to do anything because of lockdowns here in Germany, so we started an online Bible study. Me, my Yazidi friend, his friend, and their two sisters.
For 4 months, we spent 3 hours every day reading and studying the Bible together. We also prayed, and I encouraged them to share Jesus with their friends in the university there. During this time, we also decided to fast and pray that the glory of God would go from house to house among the Yazidi people. We would skip one meal each day for 10 days and spend that time in prayer. We would pray that each person in this community would know and experience the true love of God.
Two or three months after we completed this Bible study, I started receiving good news from my friends there. The two sisters had been going from house to house to share Jesus in their Yazidi community. I know more and more new believers who have learned of Jesus from these two women sharing. When the sisters encountered someone who had questions they couldn’t answer, they would direct them to me, and we would search the Bible together for answers.
As a result of this work—this Bible study—there is now a Yazidi church planted in this community! There is a vibrant house church with at least 12 members, and more and more Yazidis are coming to know the love of Jesus Christ, and they are sharing it with their friends, family, and community. This house church has formed a couple of teams that go out and visit villages and camps specifically to share Jesus. Because of this small group, many people are now experiencing the freedom of Christ. Please join us in praying that this Yazidi Church will continue to grow!
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We invite you! Here are some amazing resources you may find interesting including:
Our Founder, Floyd McClung, has 18 books and audio/video teachings that will be an encouragement to you as you press in to all Jesus has for you in your journey! Connect HERE to our founders area to be equipped!
Lessons from the Least, the Last, and the Lost, All Nations Weekly Devotion by Blake Staton, M.Div.
All Nations Pocket Guide to Church Planting by Dr. Pam Arlund (in many languages)
All Nations Storytelling Resource
Mission’s Edge, a monthly roundtable learning opportunities with ministry and missions leaders! Sign-up for any of these today and participate! Let’s grow together!
To participate or learn about our monthly global prayer for the neglected people around the world, sign-up HERE to receive a monthly video prayer invite. We meet on the last Thursday of each month at 8 am CST (US). We encourage everyone to join in as we pray that Jesus will be worshiped by all peoples of the earth — the least, the last, and the lost!