Just For You
Photo by Darcey Beau on Unsplash
"All kingdoms of men come to an end."
This is what came to mind as I stood in the middle of Saddam Hussein's palace in Basra Iraq back in 2013. What was built as a monument to his reign had been gutted and left in ruins. On the ceiling of what was once a grand hall was a statement in Arabic so prophetic that it could have come from the Bible.
It said, "God rules over the kingdoms of men. He establishes rulers and removes them."
Standing there I realized that this is what happened. God allowed Hussein to come to power in Iraq. His reign was brutal and destructive. God then used the armies of other countries to bring an end to his rule.
God is sovereign over the affairs of mankind. He has given Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth to enact His sovereignty.
Today, there are wars and rumors of war. Nation is rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Famines and earthquakes are occurring around the world. Lawlessness is on the rise, as is persecution of believers. These are the "birth pangs" that Jesus told us would come at the end of the age. Though painful, they are signs letting us know that something eternally awesome is about to take place...more awesome than anyone can imagine...
...the fulfillment of why God created us.
We are at a pivotal moment in history.
Nations around the world are being shaken. God is removing the things which can be shaken so that which can't be shaken will remain. As He does so, Jesus is waking His people from spiritual slumber. He is calling us to return to our first love for Him so that through us He can save others at this dark hour.
Sadly, many think we should be looking for Jesus to take us out of the world. They have yet to realize that He is stirring us so that we will look for ways to fulfill the purpose of our being in it. The trials we're currently going through are meant to wake us up so that we will do so. Jesus will come for us one day. This happens at the resurrection of believers. Until then, He has much for us to do here. Our work is not yet done (Revelation 3:1-2).
God rules over over all nations, including the United States of America. He has a plan and purpose for our country and its leaders. We don't yet see all that this involves. Still, He reveals to us what we should know and what we should do in response. His plan will become less of a mystery the closer we get to the end of this age.
The condition of America today is much like that of the famous ocean liner "Titanic". The Titanic's appearance was impressive. It was big and powerful, and unrivaled in many ways. People believed it to be unsinkable. America is a big and powerful country. It too is unrivaled and thought to be "unsinkable". But just as the Titanic suffered damage from an iceberg that eventually sank it, America has suffered damage that threatens to take us down. This damage is spiritual and is selfinflicted. It's the damage of moral corruption.
Will we survive what we've inflicted on ourselves?
This depends upon how we respond to what Jesus is saying to us today.
I mentioned earlier that something eternally awesome is coming. It goes way beyond any hardship we encounter and isn't dependent upon the survival of the United States of America. God is going to bring about what He has purposed for us. He is going to fulfill what He intended for mankind at the beginning of creation.
The earth, and all that God made, is a revelation of His intent. He created these things so that mankind would experience His love and share with Him in ruling over His kingdom on earth.
Think about this for a moment.
God, who is complete in Himself and needs nothing, brought us into existence so that we would know Him and relate with Him. He created us so that we could experience, intimately, who He is.
Is this amazing or what?!
As awesome as this is, there's one more thing to look forward to.
Though there will be a great multitude of people with Jesus in His kingdom, this doesn't mean you'll be "lost in the crowd" to Him. Jesus has something special just for you. Something that only you and He will enjoy as you relate with each other for all eternity.
He is going to give you a new name that only you and He will know. This is how much He desires to relate with you in a unique and intimate way. This new name is how He will personally know you forever.
To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it. Revelation 2:17
This is what Jesus will do for each one of us. Yes, there'll be trials and tribulation before then. But we will see that all the temporary suffering and adversity we've experienced will not compare to the glory of God and His love for us in Christ.
I'll end with this.
Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. John 17:24
Jesus wants us to see the glory which the Father has given Him. It's the glory that comes from the Father's love. This glory of love is what He wants us to experience with Him forever...and ever.
I believe this is why He created us.
Do you?
About the Author: Kevin Carmody and Tammii Carmody came to know Jesus as their Lord in the late 1970’s. During the years following, they participated in a number of short-term ministry trips to Central America and Western Europe while raising their two children. In the mid 1990’s, The Lord asked them to consider Abraham’s “other” descendants who lived in the Middle East...the Arab nations. In response, they resigned executive positions that they held in their occupations and joined ALL NATIONS in 2003 to receive ministry training as field workers. The Carmodys have lived and served in the countries of Oman, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, and Germany, ministering to both Arabic and Farsi speaking peoples with the love and forgiveness of Jesus. They now reside in Arizona.
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