Let the Migration Begin!

After literal years of waiting, this long awaited phase is about to begin! Needless to say, we’re excited! And nervous! And sad. You talk about “counting the cost” when you first get interested in going. Your-then-ignorant mind maybe takes it to the extremes, like giving your life or freedom.

But what about missing out on a friend’s newborn’s first steps?

Or another friend’s 4th grade dance recital?

Or another friend starting college?

Or being there when another friend goes through a break-up?

Or when another starts a new job?

Or when others get married?

Or when others are wondering if they should go somewhere too?

Or when others announce they are expecting?

Right now, these are the things you really think about: The life you will miss out on. This IS a sacrifice. But a wise friend once talked to me about not just focusing on the cost/sacrifice, but what that cost/sacrifice purchases.

Is He worthy? Is He worthy? Of all blessing and honor and glory indeed; but is He worthy of this?

We have our answer. What is yours? May all that comes after this make much of His name, show what He can purchase with such a cost, and help you wrestle with your own answer.

About the Authors: Elroy and Margo Sands* are field workers who recently launched to their long awaited field. They enjoy gardening and baking respectively, and trying new food together.

*Names changed for security.

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