Checking In with Myself Becomes Checking In with the Spirit
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (Ps. 43:5)
Often I find myself, through out the day, doing a self-check to see how I feel. This is mostly at the subconscious level, not intentional. Also, it seems like often the base level I find is some kind of anxiety or complaint.
But what if I were to turn these into an opportunity for reinforcing truth instead of lies? For real self-talk, like the one quoted in the scripture above?
Here are some ideas for real self-talk, when a self-check comes up negative (they also work for positive!):
Quote a scripture or work on a scripture memory verse.
Sing a praise song (even just a chorus).
Say three things you are grateful for - try speaking out loud!
Say a prayer for the situation you're thinking or feeling about.
Say a prayer for someone you know who is struggling.
Turning our thoughts like this is one way to practice the scriptural commands to "take every thought captive" (2 Cor 10:5), "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess 5:17), and "give thanks for everything" (Eph 5:20). This obedience will strengthen our faith - eventually! More often than not, our faith grows not in a giant leap, but one step (or thought) at a time.
Join me in this journey of mindfulness to reflecting our Father's glory more and more, one self-check-in at a time.
About the author: Erin Duncan is a volunteer with All Nations International. She is on the journey to learning her role as a member of Christ’s body and as a gospel-bearer. In addition to these roles, she is a wife, dog mom, paralegal, and coffee shop connoisseur.
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