Fatherhood: Part of God's Redemptive Plan
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Our burden is to set free those who are trapped in shame. To release hope and a double portion of God’s spirit. To speak identity over those confused and crying out for help. An unholy sexual spirit has been unleashed across the world and is trying to destroy a generation. This is what is tearing our country apart. We have no moral boundaries. We see alarming transgenderism, mutilation of children’s bodies, ending their fertility and changing their DNA. Over the last 10 years, transgenderism has increased 300%. In the state of New Jersey, where they have introduced transgenderism into the elementary school curriculum, there has been an astonishing increase of 4000% since 2020. Sexual confusion, divorce, out of wedlock birth, abortion, and a culture of promiscuity are commonplace.
In June, ironically, we honored Fathers Day while at the same time, our culture has celebrated Pride Month. Fathers give a family identity. Their family name. Who speak identity, purpose, accountability, and vision. Fatherlessness is contributing to many of the problems we are seeing:
The US Marriage rate is at an all time low, dropping 31% since 2000 and 61% since 1970.
Today, just 50% of adults age 18 and older are married. In 1960, this number was 72%
70% of all Americans said they belonged to a religious body in the year 2000. However, a Gallup poll published in 2021 shows this number has dropped to 47% the lowest number in recorded American history.
The US has hit historically high records of single heads of households, unmarried first time mothers, and unmarried co-habitators. At the same time, the US has reached historic lows in the percentage of couples becoming married.
The lack of a healthy father relationship has an impact on whether or not someone attends church, how they view church, and whether or not the person has any faith at all.
The connection between fatherlessness and faithlessness only reinforces how important it is for churches to encourage and support healthy marriages.
The collapse of relationship and marital health is fueling the collapse in fatherhood. Efforts to drive an increase in fatherhood without any focus on the father’s marital relationship will have only middling results. Ultimately the church, because of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, is the answer to our relationship health crisis.
40% of relationships of unmarried parents end by the child’s 1st birthday, and 60% are no longer romantically involved with each other by the time the child reaches the age of 5. Because unmarried dads are so rarely involved dads, this means the overwhelming number of children conceived in a cohabiting relationship find themselves without an active dad early in their childhood.
Without marriage, fathers are less likely to be living with, spending time with, and providing financially for their children. Based on the percentage of children who are not living with or regularly visiting their fathers, the precariousness of the connection between fathers and their families is greater now than at any point in our history.
Thank you to the Spokane Fatherhood Initiative for compiling these statisics!
God is doing something in the nations, something bigger than us! It's his global plan of redemption. The purpose of Sexuality Unmasked is to address the sexual spirit at work to destroy not only those outside the church, but inside the church too. We bring a message of truth, healing and restoration to God’s ordained order and identity. When you heal the father, you can restore and heal a family. A city. And a nation.
Parents are standing up. They are pushing back. Your support of this ministry is helping to raise a voice in this nation and around the world.
Thank you for your gifts, your prayer, and your partnership. It gives us the strength to do what God’s called us to do. Your gift is meaningful and empowering.
Pray earnestly that God would turn this wave of sexual confusion into a great gospel advance in ways that no one perhaps can even imagine. That is the kind of God that we have.
About the author: Molly has been in the ministry since 1996 where she and her husband Gert have served around the world as missionaries and pastors in the United States, South Africa, and Nepal. Their hearts are for the unreached peoples of the world, specifically in Central Asia, and to disciple believers to walk in purity and freedom.
In 2020 they partnered with Sexuality Unmasked, a ministry focused but on healing, deliverance, and restoration from the negative effects of sexual sin: abortion, abuse, molestation, adultery, immorality, pornography, rape, sexual confusion, and sex trafficking.
Sexuality Unmasked's powerful message exposes the lies in culture that falsely define the sexual roles of men and women and helps establish them in their true God-given identities. This movement has released healing to thousands of people worldwide through conferences, churches, and discipleship schools.
They have six children, and carry a message of life flowing from home where they home-educate, create + strategize business innovation, and lead a home church. They currently serve with All Nations and are seconded to Sexuality Unmasked based out of Spokane, WA.
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