My True Companion & Partner
Photo by Jason Low on Unsplash
A Look at Philippians 4
Summer 2024 has proved to be a good one. Many memories with many different people and experiences have provided me with a lifetime of stories and only God moments. It has been a healthy balance of both productivity and rest, fun and growth.
There have even been some “aha” moments where God has peeled back the curtain of my own disbelief and brought light to my otherwise simple mind. Even during my own vacation, I remember no such thing as time off exists for God. He is not submitting PTO requests to HR. He is not making sure all his work gets done before he takes time off. Neither is he setting up an out of office email telling people to reach out to someone else as he will not be checking messages. All day, every day he is working in our lives. His love for us is incapable of stopping. And his desire to shape us more into the image of his son is never wavering. There is too much for us to encounter and understand about our creator that can ever be fully reached in this life.
This is the funny thing about our faith journey and something I have recently had healthy conviction around. The room for growth is never finished. We never get to the point where we have reached some level of perfection when it comes to trusting Jesus and therefore no longer need him. It’s not as if I am trying to rack up enough spiritual points that one day allow me to say, “that’s enough faith for me.”
In fact, it has become more and more apparent to me that our faith journey is often mischaracterized as some sort of gold medal system. There is indeed a prize, but not like that of winning a traditional foot race. Our reward lies ahead for us as we one day will be in the presence of Christ. Paul said in Philippians 3, “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize…”. The prize is Jesus himself!
The prize is a gift. It is a reminder of God’s grace for us as we continue to press on toward a life of faith. To know there is eternal benefit for our decision to trust in the Lord should serve as extreme motivation. It is yet another example of God’s faithfulness to us as we live in a hostile world that rejects our lifestyle and seeks to replace it with the philosophy of self. There is no dismissing the fact our eternal state is filled with joy as we one day will reach a place of perfection in the presence of our savior.
But today - we find ourselves in this moment of time God has prepared. In his perfect plan he has placed you and I in these places for some reason. Reasons we may not fully understand, appreciate, or even agree with. And this is where the life of faith meets the spiritual road he has paved. We now have a choice. Do we choose a different road or do we “look forward to what lies ahead (in Christ), and press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize”-Phil 4:13-14.
This analogy has been on the front burner of my mind recently. I want to be on the road God has prepared for me. I know it is honoring to Him, and I know it is the right path. The problem, though, is the road has many exits. At any time, I am free to steer off this road and create my own set of interstates & highways. As I drive, I see the rest stops and advertisement signs that promise something new and enticing. These exit ramps grab hold of the prideful parts of my heart and mind as they entice me with the idea of being completely independent. My brokenness still believes the nasty lie that life is best fulfilled when it centers around me.
So then, what keeps me on the road of faith?
The short answer - Christ himself. But there is a deeper beauty in this answer as to how he actually cares for us while we are on the road of faith.
Jesus never promised the road would be easy. In fact, he told us the road is expected to have plenty of potholes, areas of flooding and plenty of construction. The people on the other roads do not understand this path and at times attack this spiritual road. They attack with words of accusation, persecution, or at best, simply disagree with us.
But just as others will reject the spiritual road of faith, God has given us the gift of others to help us stay on it. You see, the road we are on is not our own. It is filled with other believers who need the power of fellowship to stay the course. The road may be narrow, but it is not empty.
I was reminded of this a couple weeks ago as I continued reading through Philippians. As I read through chapter three and processed this idea of pressing on… I came to chapter four and encountered a simple phrase that I never paid much attention to.
“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stay true to the Lord. I love you and long to see you, dear friends, for you are my joy and the crown I receive for my work. Now I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement.” (4:1-2)
Now notice this next phrase in verse 3:
“and I ask you, MY TRUE PARTNER, to help these two women.”
Why does Paul use these words? True Partner.
Other translations use “true companion” which is probably more accurate. The Greek word for companion is “syzygos” which translates to “yoked together: those united by the bond of marriage or relationship.”
It’s the only time this word is used in the Bible. Therefore, it is safe to assume it has deep meaning to Paul here as he refers to the Philippian church as his companions. He is not one to simply toss out a phrase randomly and not have it assume intentional meaning.
The encouragement here is how God provides for us through others. Part of his faithfulness to us as we barrel down the road of faith is giving us partners whom we can become yoked with. Partners that we find unity with and create bonds with.
Jesus said we should trust in him for his “yoke is easy”. I wonder if Paul is thinking of this when he writes this phrase. Is perhaps the yoke Jesus gives us including others in the faith journey with us? It seems like it to me.
Paul continues in chapter 4 praising the Philippians. Verse 10 says, “I know you have always been concerned for me.” Verse 15-18 continues, “[You Philippians] were the only ones who gave me financial help”…”you sent help more than once”…”I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me.” These examples would certainly meet the criteria for being a “true partner/companion”.
Paul’s journey of faith is undoubtedly filled with amazing moments of healing, preaching, and many coming to faith. But it is also filled with much heartache and tribulation. Multiple jail times, constant threats, and even death are just a few of the things he faced.
And in the midst of it all he tells us to “press on”. Keep our eyes fixed on the prize ahead. Never give up on the road God has put us on.
But remember… we are not alone. Jesus invites us into his yoke. He promises us he will never leave us or forsake us. He will be with us until the end of the age.
Perhaps we need to be more conscious of how he does this. We know God is capable of intervening in our lives in powerful ways. Even in Paul’s testimony he confronts Paul on the road and causes him to go blind.
And yet, God used others to care for Paul in this moment. And this is what has grabbed hold of me this past week.
God is caring for me. Always. All day, every day. NO days off.
But it is more often than not through the ministry of others. I indeed have “true companions”, I just need to be more aware of it. And just as important, I need to make sure I am being a true partner to others.
I challenge and encourage us all today with this great reminder from scripture. Never lose sight of the prize that lies ahead of us. Press on. Forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead.
But remember, although the road of faith may be hard it is good. And God has put others to help you along the way. These are your true companions. And you are theirs.
About the Author: Travis Janousek is the Serve Pastor at New City Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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