Prayer Support
Photo by Elianna Gill on Unsplash
How important is prayer support for a missionary, really?
When my wife and I came to the field nine years ago, we were told that prayer was a vital part of our work. We paid lip service to the idea, but, in fact, concentrated far more heavily in raising financial supporters.
Two years later, in 2017, we were introduced to a group of intercessors. Four of them came from our home country and walked the streets of our town, experiencing our lives and our struggles. When we briefed them that first time, we could in all honesty summarize our total work in five minutes with some time left over for questions.
The group prayed for us and were touched by what they saw. They returned two more times, each time with a deeper commitment.
In 2020 and 2021, at the height of the pandemic, they could not visit us. Instead, we went on a virtual journey where we went to a remote area, sending our intercessors reports and they gave us prayer support and instructions for prophetic actions and places to go.
We believe that a large part of our success has to do with prayer. So much so, that we have established a House of Prayer of our own where prayer is undertaken throughout the week. We have daily worship sessions for all our staff. The battle will be won through prayer and worship!
When we go on home assignment we spend as much time and effort connecting to prayer supporters as we do to financial supporters. These times have been a blessing as we have grown into our ministry of mobilizing prayer.
What have the results been?
The group of intercessors now numbers over 60 people. They have a WhatsApp group where prayer requests are made and prayed for. The group is strictly business, focused solely on our work.
As we live in a place which is the focus of powerful spiritual forces, we experience constant spiritual attack. This is manifested in debilitating physical illnesses and a constant draining of our emotional strength. We could not have stayed for so long without prayer support.
But more than that – our work has grown. Our team has grown from just the two of us to a dedicated party of 9 workers. We have undertaken multiple missionary journeys with powerful results. We have started new initiatives such as an after-school program, a video ministry and social media campaigns.
We believe that prayer is a vital ingredient to our ministry. Be part of a missions’ prayer network today!
About the Author: Bert completed CPx in Cape Town in 2015 in Cape Town. Since then he and his wife have been working among the unreached peoples of the southern Himalayas. His joy is his three daughters and three grandchildren who all love Jesus.
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