Peacock Trampoline

Photo by rupixen on Unsplash

An elderly gentleman asked for a spiritual reading. He quickly shared that he was having relationship troubles. In a relaxed and open way, we invited in the Spirit of Truth. Spirit showed me a large, square trampoline that had three, large, peacock feathers embroidered into the pad. The gentleman was a child, jumping up and down on it. 

The Spirit then revealed that the man relied on his charm and own abilities to get by in relationships, and his charm could only go so far (peacock feathers.) The man agreed. 

I then saw another larger, square trampoline off in the distance that had no designs, just a black pad. I felt the Spirit wanted him to jump to that new trampoline. 

So, I invited the Spirit into the space and asked the man if he could see the Spirit. He said he could. I asked, ”Do you trust the Spirit?” He said, “I do.” Then, he said, “the Spirit and I are holding hands, jumping together.” 

It was scary for the man to jump to the trampoline that was off in the distance, but he trusted the Spirit. On the 3rd bounce, he and the Spirit jumped and landed on the new trampoline. He said he “felt the Spirit strengthen him and help him bounce into a new way of life.”  

He then invited his family and girlfriend to join him on this new trampoline. He was so very excited and happy. We left him to enjoy his new found freedom in the Spirit and he thanked us for facilitating this experience with the Spirit.

About the Author: Nova worked inside church walls, evangelizing and building programs for those in the pews, for 12 years. In 2022, she followed Jesus into the nucleus of the New Age people group. She realized they are seeking Jesus and understood His great love for them. She is now developing a ministry to the New Age.

Stay Connected to Nova: Nova is a pseudonym that signifies a new, bright star. If you would like to be invited to the private blog, see pictures from the field, and hear more stories, please fill out this short form.

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