Perfect Timing
Photo by Intricate Explorer on Unsplash
Before we left home, in Hradec Kralove, and the complications of leaving became more and more real I lay in bed one night and prayed, “Jesus, I know you want us to go back to the United States at this time. You’ve been clear. You’ve guided each step. But Lord, there’s so much work here to do, so many people we love and care about, so many details to prepare for camp, for the business we are starting — for all of it. Even though I know this is the right time, how can it be the right time?”The harvest field, for us, is ever more plentiful, and the fruit ever more ripe. It’s hardest to leave when things are going well, but often the most necessary.
”Don’t worry,” I heard Jesus confirm, “if I let the garden die, I wouldn’t be a good gardener would I? I will take care if it, and I will send workers. You, follow me.”
I felt a lot more peaceful after that, until this past Tuesday evening when we were in Washington DC, and I received what should have been a joyful email. “Congratulations!” said our lawyer, “your business has been approved, and it’s ready for you!”
Had that been all, I would have been thrilled, however, my heart sunk as I read a list of things I needed to do. Most of them could wait until I was back in Czech, but one specifically came with a time limit. I had 15 days to register the business for Czech income tax, and I would need a “databox” (a verified communication method for digital communication) or to be in person in the Czech Republic to do it — and we weren’t planning to be back in Czech until mid-July.
I told the laywer, and she responded “that does complicate things”. Helpful. -_- The next morning, I awoke to more directions. This time the laywer sounded frustrated “There’s just no way around it” she said. “You would have to be in one of four cities to open a databox from the US…” I scanned the list… one of those cities was Washington, and I was in Washington! I immediatly emailed the Czech embassy — and surprisingly, they were willing to see me on the same day, despite being booked for weeks!
A few hours later, I had the databox, and I marvelled at God’s timing. Had the message been even one day later, it would have been too late. Everything worked out exactly how it needed it! While His timing isn’t always convenient, we can trust that his timing is perfect. It’s sometimes “slow” by our standards, sometimes waaay too fast, and sometimes it feels like there’s no way this timing could possibly make sense — but our Father knows what he’s doing, and knows how to lead us. He’s a good shepherd, our job is only to follow.
About the Author: All Nations Missionary Keifer Lucchi lives and works in the Czech Republic with his wife and two children, where they reach out to Czech and Roma people, while also working with LGBTQ+ individuals across Europe. Together they run a Czech non-profit, with the aim of bringing hope to neglected people, and are passionate about writing, and telling stories as well as being a part of the stories of others.
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