The Fruit of Gospel Training
The Balkan Region is made up of the 10 European nations in southeastern Europe including, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and continental Greece, as well as the northern part of Turkey. God has called me to focus my training, modelling and coaching efforts in this region to help accelerate movements that will spread across Europe... Why?
* The Balkans have the only indigenous Muslim people group in Europe.
* The Balkan region has one of the most diverse ethnic groups and all people groups should be meaningfully engaged with the gospel.
* The Balkan region desperately needs healing and salvation from the many wounds that remain today from wars, poverty and discrimination.
* A breakthrough of the gospel and the overcoming of ethnic and religious tensions would be a great testimony to the rest of the world.
* There is a massive emigration movement from the Balkans (mostly to Western Europe). This is often viewed negatively, but if those emigrating were equipped to make and multiply disciples wherever they are then the gospel could spread exponentially across Europe.
* Many victims of sex trafficking originate from this region and the gospel is necessary to prevent them from being vulnerable to exploitation.
Balkan Gospel Training Update in Sarajevo
There were 10 eager participants who joined from Romania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and Montenegro in our Balkan Region Gospel Training. We spent a few hours each morning after breakfast prayerfully sharing the gospel in teams of 2-3 people. Then, we all came back to the hotel and continued with 3 hours of training and equipping. After lunch, we went out prayer walking again for the rest of the afternoon. Each evening, we debriefed over supper and returned to the hotel for further training on themes relevant from the debrief.
A rainbow over a mosque on the last day of the Gospel Training in the historic Baščaršija neighbourhood.
We had 109 gospel conversations with 11% wanting to know Jesus who were eager for further discipleship. Here are some brief highlights...
A Muslim Tic Toc influencer, with over 70,000 followers, was eager to follow Jesus days after beginning to read the Bible (see video below). One Training participant had a dream about a young, blonde woman being a person of peace. We met her later that day while prayer walking. Edna is a Christian and we got to equip her to disciple her friends and family. A missionary living in Sarajevo is continuing to disciple her. We sat in a cafe beside 2 ladies - a Catholic and a Muslim. They were very friendly and told us about meeting with someone the night before who was frantic because her 12 yr old daughter just had a heart attack and was in critical condition. We prayed for the daughter and the Catholic lady followed us by saying out loud…. ‘I’ve never done this before but I pray to Jesus for this girl like my new friends. Heal her! Amen.’ Two French tourists accepted Christ in the courtyard of a mosque after hearing the gospel. I've put them in contact with my partners in France.
Please pray for the participants that were trained to be faithful as they return home and for those that responded to the gospel to 'bear fruit that remains.'
A Muslim Tic Toc influencer accepts Jesus after starting to read the Bible days earlier
Training Romanian Ministry Leaders in Cluj, Romania
After Sarajevo, James Costick from Australia joined me in Brasov, Romania for several days. We visited some of my local disciples and leaders and travelled to Cluj (4.5 hours away) to follow up with ministry leaders from there.
I have been in contact with Adi and Dorin for years. They are passionate evangelists who are gifted in healing and deliverance ministry. They ceased active ministry after persecution from local Pentecostal churches, who viewed them as unauthorized and unqualified. James and I re-envisioned them with discipleship of the lost and took them out sharing the gospel for an hour. These discouraged evangelists were so amazed by the openness of people to receive the gospel, prayer and God's Word. They promised to restart ministry again.
Emil is a house church network leader in Cluj with a vision for movements. He has started house churches with Romanian and Hungarian speakers, but has struggled to multiply disciples and churches. James and I spent some time with Emil and his key Hungarian leaders sharing about a ministry model that can multiply exponentially, based upon the book of Acts. James and I took Emil out to model gospel sharing and we met Cristi, who invited Emil to disciple him and his family. James and I took turns role-playing with Emil and his wife on how they would follow up with Cristi. I plan to travel frequently to Cluj to invest in this community. Please pray for the multiplication of disciples, leaders and house churches in Cluj, Romania!
About the author: Kevin Weigelt and his family have served in Romania as church planting missionaries with All Nations since 2008. He has a passion to train and coach European leaders to reach the neglected, make disciples, and ignite church planting movements.
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