“I Know What I Need to Do, I Need to Repent and Return to the King of Kings.”
Photo by Daniel Gutko on Unsplash
I met a man who introduced himself as C at the Tea Bar. He was one of many people who didn’t want to leave the bar. I could tell he wanted to stay in my presence, but didn’t know what question to ask to start a conversation. I included him in the other bar conversations I was having and eventually encouraged him to join the drum circle.
Soon after, I moved to the drum circle to worship and dance. A team member then found me and asked if I was available for a Spiritual Reading. I wasn’t quite ready yet, but I felt I was supposed to say “yes” so I did.
I sat down and it was C. He laughed, delighted to see me again. He shared that he felt disconnected from his ex-wife and children and his intention for the Spiritual Reading was reconciliation. I excitedly shared, “I know the Great Reconciler!” The team member then spoke some encouraging words into him.
As we prayed, I heard the word “shame” in my spirit. I said, “I release shame in the name of Yeshua.” I pulled out a dark, inky thread that was covered by gold light and flicked it away. At the word “shame,” C crumbled and started shaking and sobbing. He shared that in his community, he is a pillar of strength and love. But he has not spoken to his ex-wife and daughter for over 12 years.
After pulling out shame, we prayed for an infilling of love.
C said, “I know what I need to do, I need to return to the King of Kings.”
He said he needed to process and would be back in a day or two.
Later that day, another team member and I were out on the Playa, looking at art, and ran into C. It is rare to run into people. It’s a city of 80,000 people. The other team member had not met C before, nor heard his story, but excitedly shared encouraging words with him about his strength and leadership in his community.
Let’s continue to pray for C. That he has courage to return to the King of Kings, and that a new community forms around him that can strengthen him and help him reconcile with his family.
About the Author: Nova worked inside church walls, evangelizing and building programs for those in the pews, for 12 years. In 2022, she followed Jesus into the nucleus of the New Age people group. She realized they are seeking Jesus and understood His great love for them. She is now developing a ministry to the New Age.
Stay Connected to Nova: Nova is a pseudonym that signifies a new, bright star. If you would like to be invited to the private blog, see pictures from the field, and hear more stories, please fill out this short form.
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